Chapter 30

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Tears were in my eyes at the sound of Harry's broken heart, I knew the pain he was in. Suddenly I was filled with rage and before anyone could stop me I was chasing down Lestrange.

"You murderous bitch!" I screamed at her and cast the crucio curse. She yelled out in pain and fell to the floor. Harry stood beside me and pointed his wand at her.

"You've got to mean it, Potters. She killed him. She deserves it," The chilling voice of Voldemort sounded in our heads.

"You know the spell," he said again

"Do it," He commanded, I looked to my left and saw HIM standing there. We pointed our wands towards him but he waved his hand and they flew out onto the floor.

"So weak," He shook his head. One of the fires lit up bright green and out stepped Albus Dumbledore.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way," He said

"By which time I shall be gone, and you, shall be dead," Voldemort then raised his wand and Dumbledore shoved Harry and me to behind a wall where we would be sheltered from the Dark Lord's powers. He conjured a fire serpent which leered forwards toward Dumbledore who used the water from the fountain to contain it. He then smothered Voldemort in a giant ball of water, Harry and I stood up but Dumbledore pushed us back again as Voldemort broke free from the water and fired black magic towards the headmaster, he struggled to repel it but only just managed it. Voldemort then screamed and broke the glass from all the office windows, he then made a diamond shape with his arms and the glass rose up and sped towards Harry, Dumbledore and me. Dumbledore cast a spell that turned all of the glass into sand as soon as it reached us. Voldemort watched as this happened and then disappeared in a cloud of black sand. A surge of evil flooded through me and I fell to the floor, writhing in pain, as did Harry. Dumbledore could do nothing but kneel beside us and watch.

"You've lost old man," Harry sneered

"So weak, vulnerable," I hissed, feeling Voldemort trying to control me.

"Look at me. It isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not," I could hear Dumbledore trying to get through to us.

"Harry? Aurora?"

"You're the weak one. and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you," Harry fought against Voldemort and we were suddenly both tossed onto our backs as Voldemort was spat out of our chests. Time seemed to have stopped as Voldemort was standing over my brother and me.

"You're fools. And you will both lose everything," He then pointed his wand at us lying on the ground, but suddenly the fire sparked up and in walked Aurors, the minister and his assistants as well as those who work for the paper. Voldemort froze and disappeared once again.

"He's back," Fudge choked out. 

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Where stories live. Discover now