Chapter 8: Surprise

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Calums POV:

Thank god, there's  the bell!!! It was finally time and I swear I've never run so fast in my life. I don't wanna eat sucky cafeteria food,but if its for Luke I'd do anything.

I walked into the cafeteria despite all the weird looks I was getting. Whatever, I don't care anymore. Fuck what other people think of me. I went to go sit down at a table alone. It wasn't long before some random girl came and sat beside me.

"Hey there cutie" she said exposing her breast out of the tight tank top she was wearing. I really hate sluts. "Would you mind leaving? Thank you goodbye now" I replied as sassily as possible.

"Oh come on everyone knows you're a new student here. You can't be taken at least not yet but I can change that." She winked. I think I'm gonna vomit. I don't know what I was thinking when I said it but it slipped out. "SKANK JUST STOP OK? IM GAY! I LIKE DICK!" She walked away absolutely mortified.

Everyone was staring at me now. Way to go Hood way to go.....

Luke's POV:

"I LIKE DICK" That voice sounded so familiar. I walked into the lunchroom ignoring the dirty looks I got from Michael and his little gang. Sure enough my predictions were correct.

That voice belonged to Calum. He sounded angry, maybe even annoyed. Britney, the school slut, stormed off angrily. It took me awhile but then the realization hit me.Calum was gay.

Calums POV:

I see a familiar blonde quiff and I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief before I remember what just happened. How long has he been standing there? He's walking over to me. Oh god,hows my hair?

I fixed my hair and studied Luke as he walked over. He's so beautiful. He finally gets to the table and sits down next to me. Our hands touched and for that slight second I had butterflies in my tummy.

I swear my heart skipped a beat, he simply turned away and blushed. Did I really have that much effect on him? We didn't talk much, just kinda sat there quietly for awhile. Finally, he said something that I knew was gonna come up eventually.

Lukes POV:

OH MY GOD HES GAY. I would have never had guessed it but its going around the school and I heard the words myself.

I saw him sitting alone, and I remembered we were meeting for lunch. I tried not to run considering I'd probably fall on my face,or look really desperate.

As I got closer, he started fiddling with his hands. I held in a laugh,did he really just fix his hair because of me? He's adorable. I sat down, and our hands touched. Neither of us moved until I pulled away. He looked a bit disappointed.

After that incident, we pretty much ate in silence but I enjoyed his company. I finally asked him the question that was at the back of my mind for so long... "so you're gay huh?"

He looked at me shocked. Shit Luke you done fucked up again. "Yeah I am actually. Some girl tried to hit on me today and well I staright up told her." "Yeah I heard" I told him chuckling.

"What about you?" I looked up and replied, "I'm gay too I get bullied everyday for it, but Its not like I can change myself,and I'm not going to change.It's just something I have to deal with."

"Why'd you move here?" I asked quietly. His face went pale, and he ran out of the cafeteria. Did I say something I wasn't supposed to?.....

Ashtons POV:

Finally off that darn plane!!! That man next to me was really creepy. He kept talking to about my eyes and it didn't help that I was in the middle.

I got off the plane to see my mom and little brother Harry waiting for me. He hugged me and so did my mom.I couldn't be happier. I was finally back home and it felt amazing.

Once my signal came back, I checked my phone 3 new messages all from Michael.

Hey babe;) aww really? Can't wait to in my arms again!!! Xoxo

He just called me babe. Ok Ashton don't fangirl. He probably does that to everyone.

Hello again gorgeous just wanted to say I miss you I'm skipping school to come and gey you today so be on the lookout for me at the airport!!!:D xoxo

Damn, this was flirting if I ever saw it. He said he was here. I look around, but he's nowhere to be found. My phone buzzes one last time.

Look behind you ashy!!!;)

I turned around, and sure enough Michael was there. I practically jumped into his arms. When you miss someone, and haven't seen them in ages being with them again is amazing.

I nuzzled into his neck. "I missed you so much, Ashy." He said with teary eyes. Was he being serious? "I missed you too Michael." We stood there in the middle of an airport just enjoying the embrace.

Hey guyyys authors note!!! So meep I am so happy people are actually reading this it means so much. So a little more.lashton feels going on here. I know this chapters a bit confusing so just bear with me?:) ill update soon keep being awesome!!!

Side note:if you guys want to you should check out my Larry fanfic if you're into that kind of thing^-^ its called Alone Together its pretty much punk¡louis and flowerchild¡harry. Its still a work in progress but If I see people are actually reading it ill update so please check it out if you'd like to^-^

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