Chapter 17:Apologize

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Lukes POV:

I stood there in awe. Why was Michael here? Was he gonna hurt me again? I was about to slam the door on him, but he stopped it from closing.

"Look,I know I'm the last person you want to see right now,but please just hear me out?" I sighed and nodded. "I just wanna say sorry,ok?"

I raise my eyebrow inquisitively them asked, "Why? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Or are you just gonna act like you're sorry and still beat me up?"

He just stood there silently until he finally spoke up, "Because of Ashton, because i finally came to my senses!!!! I've been a total asshole these few years Trust me I know that. But to be honest I respect you. Because you know what? You're brave.You have so much courage. Something i will never ever have. You've stayed strong even through all the bullshit me and james have put you through!!! In reality I'm just a fucking coward. A scared person. I was scared to lose Ashton, scared to make new friends, scared of being gay.... "

Whoa wait what? Michael's gay? This made no sense.... He continued,"and I know you're not going to want to be friends or anything,but I just wanted to let you know that I am truly sorry. I regret treating you that way and its something that will haunt me forever. But it will never happen again. I'll defend you."

My hands were shaking, and my head was running wild. Was he being honest? "I-I don't know what to say...." I replied shyly.

He just came in for a hug, which was beyond weird. I hugged back, and he started crying into my shoulder.

Should I believe this?

Michaels POV:

I still can't believe I'm doing this. I told him everything, the regret, the sorrow. He looked shocked when he saw me at the door. His jaw dropped to the floor.

I brought him in for a hug, and surprisingly he hugged back. I started crying, which I wasn't expecting to happen. I really hate hormones sometimes. We stayed there for awhile, until I felt my shirt being yanked back as a fist hit my face.

Calums POV:

I'm on Luke's street when I see him. That fucker is at my boyfriends house. Why is he there? Wrong person to mesd with. Michael Clifford is dead.

I see Michael hug Luke in an embrace, and that's when I lost it. Who does this guy think he is? Telling someone such horrible things and just acting like nothing happened? That's not right.

I walked faster,and they stayed in that embrace for awhile. At least until I pulled Michael, and threw a punch to his face. He fell to the floor with a thud. Luke was wideeyed, & went to go check on Michael.

"Luke, what are you doing?" I yelled. He looked like he was tearing up as he managed to hiccup out,"h-he w-wasn't hurting me, calum h-he c-came to a-apologize!!!!" My eyes filled with regret."O-oh..." I went to go help him up.

"I'm sorry man.. but you've hurt him before. I don't want my baby hurt." I put my arm around Luke's waist protectively.

"Its alright I don't blame you,I deserve it." He said as he rubbed the area where I had hit him.

Michaels POV:

Ok ok I deserved that. Calum is just trying to protect Luke. As for Luke, I think were on good terms for now. I can't wait to see Ashton at school. It'll just be like old times!

Lukes POV:

For now, I decided to believe him. He seemed very sincere, and I had to give it a chance. I have Calum to protect me if Michael or James tries anything. They've put me through a lot of shit but hey Even bullies can change right? I'll find out....

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