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History is so confusing.

Take the story of thanksgiving for example. In first grade they tell you that the pilgrims(is that how you spell it?) came to America and the Indians helped them settle in here and the they had a big Turkey together. The end.

But then as you get older your teachers are like "well that's not exactly what happened"

So then by the time you get to 6th grade the history teacher is saying, "that's completely wrong! Forget everything you know about history because it's all wrong!"

And then you learn that the pligrims killed the Indians and forced them into reservations or something like that.  The end.  


Where's the turkey?

Then you also got the know-it-alls who inturpt the teacher every secound. "Well actually I heard that this happened.... "  so then the teacher and student get into this huge debate and everyone else is just sitting there thinking "whaaat??"

Moral of this rant: history wouldn't be so confusing if elementary school teachers just told us the truth and know-it-alls kept their mouths shut.

I still don't know the story of Thanksgiving.

-cornflakes :D

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