favorite books

38 5 7

The testing series

It's a dystopian trilogy. It's kind of like the hunger games but it's still good. So far I've read the first one and a little bit of the 2nd one.

We were liars

This one is super good. It has a HUGE plot twist at the end. It's super sad but good. You need to read this!

The hunger games series

I've read all the books and seen all the movies so far.

Team peeta! :)

The candy makers

I read this book in like 5th grade. It was really interesting and it's in 4 different POVs.

Divergent series

I read all the books including the 4th extra one. Uraih is totally my favorite character. He's so hilarious.

The maze runner

I've only read the first one so far but it was really good. The movie was also pretty good. My favorite character is Newt :)

Deep, and dark, and dangerous

It's a ghost story but it's not scary at all. It's really good.

Do you guys have any book recommendations?

Oh, and on a side note that has nothing to do with this chapter, I discovered my new favorite word: flagella

-cornflakes :D

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