common core

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I'm done with common core right now.

No one actually knows what common core is, but last year my math/reading  teacher was obsessed with it. She said that next year everyone was going to do common core because its from the state and it's so great and such.

So now it's next year and everyone is doing common core. It changed our advanced math ciriculum and IT SUCKS!

I've always liked math and have been actually good at it. In 5th grade it was great because I had a great teacher and it had good math lessons. Then in 6th grade the math stuff was still good but the teacher was not. It was still okay though because we learned stuff (from the textbook though, not the teacher)

And now, I'm in 7th grade and we are learning stuff that we learned in 5th grade. At first, I thought it was my teacher because she's horrible. But then today I found out it was common core. 

What!?!?!?! Seriously common core? WHY????

I used to enjoy math but now its SO FREAKING BORING! I actuually want to learn something in math not go over stuff I did in 5th garde.

Some of my friends and I are in advanced math. We take the classes to get ahead but we're not even learning anything! Dropping out won't even benefit me because the regular classes are doing the same things!


That is all.

-cornflakes :D

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