1: My 'Bizzare' Quirk

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(There was a rewrite, but after so long I actually decided the original was so much more coherent and ended up deleting it. Apologies to anyone who was looking for it. It doesn't exist anymore)

My name is Izuku Midoriya. I live in a world in which 80% of the population has some sort of superpower that affects their daily lives. For many that power is weak and only serves use as a convenient tool. But some have seen it's use in crimes. These people became 'villains' and to rise up against them came heroes. These people are individuals who were born with powerful quirks fight back the villainy and keep the peace. Amongst these is the man I look up to the most, the number 1 hero All Might. He inspired me to use my quirk for the greater good and become a hero stronger than even him.

I suppose I should explain my quirk. It isn't a traditional quirk in the sense because my body does not have the usual mutations seen in quirks. The doctors tell me it's something entirely new. I have given it a name. I call it Star Platinum, and it is my stand.

My Star Platinum appears as a muscular purple ghost behind me and can throw extremely powerful, precise and fast punches as well as many other enhanced functions such as fantastic eyesight. It also has one extra ability that makes me the most dangerous quirk user in the world. Star Platinum can stop time. For 10 seconds (I buffed it to DIO's level to make Izuku slightly OP).

Right now I'm trying to apply for U.A. It is a prestigious school for aspiring heroes and I have been training all my life to get in here. Every day me and Star Platinum would go to the nearby beach to train both my body and the abilities of my stand, which stemmed from my own mental strength.

I had only just left my mother in the house to go to the U.A acceptance test for the hero course. I was so excited to be there that I ran all the way as fast as I could, getting there early in the process.

"I can't believe I'm actually here" I said excitedly.

"I know right? It's great!" Said a voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw an excited, brunette girl stood behind me with a beaming smile on her face. She was so close, i turned slightly pink.

"H-hello" I said timidly "My name's Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."

"My name's Ochaco Ururaka" the girl said "are you here for the hero course?"

"Yeah. I've been wanting to get in for a while now"

"Me too. It's really a miracle they let me in. The acceptance rates are so low. Anyways I've got to go. Good luck Izuku!"

She ran off waving to somewhere and I sat down on a bench until the loudspeakers announced the start of the test. I gathered alongside the other aspiring heroes and took a look at my competitors. The person next to me was tall with small engines jutting out of his legs. He saw me staring and extended his hand. I took it.

"You are the first person to do that. I thank you fellow applicant. There are some real savages here, I truly hope they do not share a class with me if I get in."

"There's no need for formalities" I said "I'm Izuku, and you are?"

"I am Tenya Iida. I wish you good luck in the exam."

He walked off into the crowd and I heard a voice come from the announcers.

"Are you ready!? Then go! There is no countdown in a real battle!"

I shook myself awake and started running into the mock city to find some robots. I eventually found a three-pointer rolling around a street. I summoned Star Platinum to my side. The robot saw me and swung with it's arm, not a very fast or even threatening swing at that. I caught it easily with Star Platinum and pulled it off. After that the robot was an easy target.

I continued on like this for a whole 30 points until a huge rumbling and numerous screams caught my attention. I finished up the robot I was facing and ran to see what the fuss was about.

The huge zero-point robot was rolling fast down a street and many heroes were running from it in fear. I turned to do the same before hearing the familiar voice of the girl from before shout out in pain. I summoned Star Platinum and used it's expert eyesight to look at where she was. She had been crushed under a bit of rubble and was attempting to escape as the robot drew closer.

"God damn it" I mumbled as I ran towards her "Looks like I'm going to have to try this time"

I moved Star Platinum and had it's body overlap with mine, I felt an immediate boost in my abilities. Doing this let me do anything Star could do but it was extremely taxing on my mind after a while and I usually ended up rather tired afterwards.

I reached her and tore away the rubble from her body. By the time I had finished this task the tread for the robot was almost upon us and I had to use my full sprint speed to outpace the thing.

"Just run to the side!" Shouted the girl, who I remembered to be called Ururaka. I did as she said, jumping to the side let me escape without the need to stop time. I was trying to avoid stopping time for now as I could only do it about 15 times in a day before passing out and I wanted to give the others a chance to win.

"Thanks for the save" said Ururaka "Don't know where I'd be without you."

"Probably roadkill"

This earned a chuckle that turned my face red again. I stood up and she tried to follow but quickly fell due to her leg injuries.

"Looks like I'll have to carry you" I said

I scooped her up and ran to the street ready to kill more robots but I heard the horn that signalled the end of the exam.

"Aaaaand that's it folks! That was an eventful time for sure but we'll have to wait until next week to see who the winners are!"

I walked up to the exit with Ururaka still in my Star Platinum-powered arms before we were approached by a small, old lady in a pink costume.

"Recovery girl!" I said "can you heal her wounds?"

"Easily" said the small lady as she kissed Ururaka on the cheek. Immediately she sat up.

"Hey the pain's gone"

That was recovery girl's quirk. She can speed up the healing process on a person at the expense of their bodies using all the energy needed to repair itself in one go. This usually left patients feeling tired and drained.

Ururaka on the other hand, got up fine and followed the rest of the crowd to get changed.

I was quite satisfied with that result. Many robots had met their end to Star Platinum once I discovered that his punches were strong enough to go right through them. I'd reckon he was just as strong as All Might even without the ability to stop time.

By the way, did i mention how I got around the battlefield?

Yeah, I flew. Cost me a lot of energy, but I flew.

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