8: The USJ (part 2)

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A blue-haied villain stood in the centre of the USJ, surveying the fight between Eraser Head and the villains. He watched as Kurogiri warped over to the heroes in training and started warping them away.

"Good. It's all going to plan. Now with the kids separated then they stand no chance of escaping. The only problem is All Might, I don't see him"

He scratched his neck furiously. Kurogiri was taking far too long. He was just about to chase after him when the purple being emerged from a warp gate to his left.

"What took you so long?" Asked the blue-haired villain

"The children were stronger than I expected, two of them managed to survive inside of me for a full minute as well as resisting falling into my portal for the same amount of time."

"Did you get them in the end? It could mean trouble if you didn't."

"No. That hero Thirteen showed up and I had to run. The children there pose no threat however. They should die of blood loss in about 20 minutes. We needn't worry about them escaping either, they can barely stand."

"Good. Any signs of All Might?"

"No. He mustn't be here at all"

"And we went through all the trouble of bringing the Nomu to fight him. Perhaps if we round up the kids he'll show his face"

"Perhaps, but I suggest you send the Nomu out now. That Eraser Head is becoming a problem for us"

"Very well. Bring him in."

Kurogiri opened a warp gate to his left and out emerged a monster bigger than All Might. It's figure was vaguely humanoid except a few distinctive features such as the beak-like mouth and partially exposed brain. It made craters in the floor wherever it stepped and it stopped next to the blue-haired villain.

"Nomu! Kill that hero over there with the scarf on."

The Nomu nodded and ran towards the pro, who noticed it and switched priorities immediately. He tried to attack the beast only to be almost hit by a punch from the creature. The air pressure created was just like All Might's and blasted the pro away. He flew up the stairs and landed near a bush at the top. He was just about to get up when a pair of purple arms pulled him quickly in to the bush before he could react. He found himself in a small space occupied by two people who had deep cuts all over their bodies and were slumped on the wall. He recognised them as Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Ururaka of his class.

"What happened to you two Midoriya? Is Ochaco okay?" He said

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm not sure about Ururaka though. She's fallen asleep on my lap and the both of us are still bleeding heavily. I used my roll of capture tape to bandage Ururaka's worst wounds though."

"What about yours?"

"Mine are still unbandaged, Ururaka came first."

"That's a noble goal Midoriya but you need care as well. You're in critical condition too."

"I'll be fine"

"No you won't kid. Trust me. I give you fifteen more minutes before you lose consciousness."

"That means we've got ten more to wait until we win then. Iida got out and is running back to U.A to get everyone"

I quickly motioned for Mr Aizawa to be quiet. He nodded and an audible thump was heard from outside the bushes. We held our breath and hoped the thing would pass.

"What the hell is that thing?" I hissed

"Some sort of monster. It blew me all the way up here in a single punch that it missed" whispered the teacher.

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