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Third person P.O.V.

A dark figure moved in a circle around the table. On it was a map of Central Europe. Various circles stood out and small figurines rested in specific places on the map.

The figure spoke. "We'll start here, then move south to flank them."

Someone else who was sitting in the chair started speaking too. "I can move my troops north if you want." The standing figure nodded. "Yes, that will do."

There was one more person in the room, their opinions kept silently to themselves. They only watched the commotion with an icy stare, leaning against the wall in the shadows.

The only light in the room was a dim, candle-lit chandelier hanging high on the ceiling. The room was vast; only occupied by a few leather armchairs and a flat table.

The standing person moved into the light, revealing a face decorated with identical black and white lines. An eye patch displaying a griffin stood out against the white background.

"It has been difficult in the past," They said, a German accent prominent in their raspy voice.

"But the Prussians will have no problem defeating them." Upon the words leaving their mouth, the person in the chair scowled.

"With your help of course, Russian Empire." Prussia shrugged his shoulders. The empire grunted, resting his striped face on his hands.

The other in the corner spoke up. "So, what about after this?"

Prussia folded his hands behind his back, standing in a straight position. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

The Russian Empire scoffed, lifting his head and standing. He suddenly towered over the two other countries, his shadow engulfing their figures.

He stared at the German kingdom. "We'll have to cross it soon. I'd rather not endure an argument about such petty things after a war."

The shorter of the two stared back, trying to keep his gaze from wavering. There was absolutely no way he could let the taller country see his fear. Prussia needed to be strong. "Of course." He sighed, turning away to look at the map. He heard the taller empire sit back down with a muffled sound from the chair.

The country in the corner of the room suddenly stepped forward to study the map. He leaned forward, his hands resting on either side of him. He relaxed his muscles so his head sagged lower than his shoulders to inspect it carefully. A gold finger pushed a small piece north by a few centimeters.

"Personally, I think we should also have a small force to the middle, just in case they try to make a break for it or come from behind." He moved his finger back to the end of the table and observed the figurine. Both Prussia and the Russian empire exchanged glances. Why hadn't they thought of that?

"Well, It doesn't really matter as long as we win this war." The German country added. "I mean, the enemy can't possibly stand our overwhelming forces alone. It's impossible."

The sitting empire drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair thoughtfully. "Except..."

"Except what?" The yellow country with a griffin on their flag turned to look at him.

"What if the Commonwealth wasn't alone?"

The room fell silent. Everyone seemed to be considering the prospect that their enemy could have an ally, or more.

   "It's not like he's favorable with anyone," said the Hapsburg monarchy. "...right?"

The Russian Empire leaned back in his chair, beginning to bounce his leg anxiously. "He took Moscow not too long ago. Held it for a little more than 2 years." He shuddered. "The Commonwealth is powerful; don't underestimate him."

Hapsburg rolled his eyes, seeming doubtful, but didn't say anything. Prussia tapped his boot against the wooden floor repeatedly.

"This time you have us." He said, adjusting his eyepatch with one swift movement. The Russian narrowed his one eye, his other covered also by an eyepatch.

Hapsburg opened his mouth to say something when there was a knock at the door. All three countries whipped their heads towards the doorway.

Prussia walked forward quickly, straightening and opening the tall wooden doors with slow carefulness. A butler stood in front of him.

"Vas? (German: What?)" The German country asked. The butler whispered something to the kingdom, and Prussia's face hardened. "I see."

"Tell her I..." The rest of the conversation was cut off by the door shutting behind Prussia. The Russian and Hapsburg empire blinked at each other, looking back and forth silently between the doors."

When the door swung open again, Prussia has turned around and stepped back inside the room. The large wooden door clicked shut behind him.

"What is it?" Hapsburg inquired. The German Kingdom lifted one shoulder.

"My fiancé wants to visit for holiday." He responded coolly. "I just passed on a message to the butler."

The tall empire sighed slowly. "Ah. I too wish I could be with my sweetheart soon."

The golden-skinned country said nothing, simply folding his hands behind him and rocking back and forth on his feet. Prussia heard the metals and decorations clink against the monarchy's chest. He decided not to probe any further.

(Time skip brought to you by my no intention of finishing a Moonbeam chapter anytime soon)

After a few hours, the three countries agreed that they were prepared to invade the Polish-Lithuianian Commonwealth next week. In the meantime, they would ready their armies. "Surely it would be enough time to prepare, "Prussia had insisted. The others were too tired to argue.

Now, the German kingdom was leaning on his balcony, looking out over the horizon. The sun was sinking below it, signifying that night was coming. He took a cigar from a side table and lit it with a match. Prussia blew out a puff of smoke, watching it curl and dance with the breeze before being blown away. He sighed.

Let's really hope we can just end this peacefully, He thought, as the last sliver of light disappeared behind the hills in the distance.



so yeah, gerpol fanfic because I don't see too many of these and why not have another book??

But ye

also that time skip was a joke so please don't actually think I'm not gonna updatebutyeahhh-

okie uh

happie reading

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