Ch 1 || 2019

334 6 9

A/N: I apologise. My knowledge about New York, Tulsa and America, in general, is limited to pop culture and stuff that I search online, so, sorry if I get things wrong. The Australian girl that wrote this book

Taylors P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of taxis and traffic, also known as the usual sounds of the lower east side. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone. I stood up and crossed my small room and opened the closet pilling out some blue jeans, a t-shirt, worn-out red converse hightops and a leather jacket, I threw my clothes on and looked at myself in my half shattered mirror. I had long black hair that I pinned up and tied a red bandana around, As well as bright blue eyes and pale skin, I put on minimal makeup except for my somewhat iconic vintage red lip, and when I say iconic I mean I get made fun of because of it, but I don't care. I threw my bag over my shoulder and picked up my skateboard careful not to wake up my father, who was passed out drunk on the couch as I found him every morning, in fear that he might hit me again.

I exited the shitty two-bedroom apartment that we couldn't afford because my father spent most of our money on alcohol and the money that we did have left he used on gambling which he called a job. Still, it was like walking on thin ice, we wouldn't have power one month, and then the next month my father could afford a fancy car that he could then have to sell later it was a vicious cycle that never seemed to end. I managed to slightly smooth the rocky path after I cracked and got a job fixing up cars in the upper east side about two years ago when I was thirteen. I swear no one there has any knowledge on how to fix their Mercedes or their Cadillacs, but they pay well, Like 20 dollars and hour well. I plugged in my headphones and skated down the street to my high school.

"Hey Tay!" said my friend Jessica as I put my skateboard in my locker. Jessica was the polar opposite of me. She was what you would call a soft-girl she loved pastel colours, especially the colour pink, her hair was naturally light blonde, and her skin was pale and perfect. Today she wore a multicoloured pastel sweater, light blue jeans and pink old skool vans. We had been friends since elementary school and honestly we had nothing in common except for a few things.

"Hi Jessie," I said, slamming my locker and making our way down the hall "How'd your date with Emmy go last night."

"It was good, she and I are going steady," Jessie said, and I chuckled a bit. No one except us uses that phrase anymore. It's an inside joke; actually, I don't think anyone has said that since like the 60s. I also forgot to mention that Jessie likes girl, but it doesn't matter, not in this day and age "So, how far did you get up to in the book" she added.

"I finished it," I utter "I wish I didn't though, it was hella depressing, but I liked it" This was one of the few things she and I collectively liked, we loved books. We would always read books together so we could discuss it the next day in class. The book that we had just finished was Lady Q: The rise and fall of a Latin Queen, Jessie's favourite book.

"So you Loved it?" she said excitedly "I'm so glad, as you know it's my favourite book, and now we can talk about" she rambled. I kept my head down, not wanting to get noticed today. I usually got called a 'greaser' or told that I'm 50 years behind the times because of how I dress and the fact that I fix cars, Most of the time I didn't care. I thought it was cool because I always loved stories about new york gang activity and greasers in the 50s & 60s and sometimes wished it could live it.

I decided to continue listening to Jessie "I knew you would like the book, I mean you are always going on about gang activity, you get into fights, Drag race, you carry a switchbla-" I put my hand over her mouth. I didn't want anyone hearing the last one, because you know it's illegal to own a switchblade. She nodded to take my hand off her mouth "Sorry" she mumbled and continued down the hallway to class.

"Taylor Murphy, Please report to the principal's office" A voice came over the intercom during 3rd period the whole class looked at me, and I swore under my breath picking up my bag and flinging it over my shoulder and exiting the room. I knocked on the door to the principal's office, and he said "come in" I pushed the door open and sat down casually on the chair in front of the desk I knew what was going to happen, I was getting suspended for a couple of days as usual for something I didn't do.

"Miss Murphy," he said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"Whatever it is I didn't do it," I said

"Let me Finnish," he said, keeping voice steady, I snickered "I have been informed that you got into a fight with miss Eva wood."

"Oh," I laughed "Yeah I did that, and I won," I said proudly "Got it, Robert" I always called him by his first name to piss him off.

"Yeah we can't tolerate that behaviours here, you are at this moment expelled," he said, and a grin curled on my face and picked up his expensive glass figurine of a bird and chucked in from one hand to the other "Miss Murphy put that down at one" he ordered

"Why is it expensive," I Asked throwing it in the air and catching it, I knew it was, and again I was only doing it to piss him off.

"Yes! SO.PUT.IT.DOWN" he almost yelled, and my smile grew wider

"Ok, sir." I said turning around and looking back at him, still with a bird in the hand "Ill put down" I then threw it at the wall, and it shattered loudly into a million pieces "I'm outta this bitch, Laters sir" I yelled. He tried to run after me, I quickly grabbed my skateboard and books and skated out of school Mr.Shytles, I know his last name is Shytles its unfortunate, aka Robert, gave up chasing me after I made it out of the front doors.

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