Ch 5 || Asshat Socs

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Tays P.O.V

When I saw the blue Mustang passed me, I skated faster, but the Mustang turned around following me slowly, The socs didn't want to jump me on the main road, they wanted to remain to look like good people by the adults of the town I skated downhill and sped up. Still, the Mustang was on my tail, and I had no chance. they got me right in front of a gas station called the D.X. They got out of the car and pushed me up against a wall too bad it was right under a low hanging street lamp, now would be a good time that I had some skills in parkour and self-defence.

"Hey grease, You tried to shoot me yesterday so today I'm going to repay the favour," the ring leader said pulling out a switchblade, I had a great idea, at first I was going to give him the win. Let him cut me up a little before I beat their ass, he lifted my shirt and made a deep cut in my stomach; I yelled out in pain, It didn't hurt as bad as I expected, but I needed someone to notice to distract the Socs for just a second to loosen the grip, thankfully, Two guys who worked at the DX came out.

"Hey," one of them yelled, he looked like a movie star, but I could tell he was a greaser, the other not so much, the socs looked back for a second and I took that moment to jump up on to the street lamp they turned around. I kicked the ringleader in the face, and he fell to the ground, his two other friends grabbed me around the neck, but I elbowed one in the nose before he could and the last one, David. Managed to get me around the neck, he choked me for a second before I broke free, he tried to punch me, but I grabbed his fist, twisted it I jumped on his shoulders and slammed him down on the ground he was disoriented for a few seconds I stood up and stamped on his nose, I looked back at the guys at the D.X. They were watching me with their mouths wide open, or some reason PongBoy and Johnny were there too. The ringleader started to get up. I helped him but then kicked him so hard in the stomached he slammed into his car. I pulled out my switchblade and held it up to his throat.

"If you come near me ever again I swear to fuck I won't spear your life, got it," I Said, my voice Deathly quiet except I yelled that last part he nodded tears welling in his eyes, I smiled at that, I walked over to his friends and kicked their sides "Get up Dipshits," I said, and they quickly got up and sped off in their Mustang, I sighed looking down at my stomach. My t-shirt was already soaked with blood. I silently swore under my breath and picked up my stuff.

"Tay" I heard Johnny yell and I looked up I almost completely forgot about them. I walked across the street to them "You okay?" he asked as I approached him.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch," I said, panting slightly,

"I dunno, it's more than just a scratch, You ate, it," said the movie star looking Greaser, I cocked my head at him

"So, who are these guys" I uttered looking to the two guys that had car oil and grease all over their face and wearing blue button-up shirts.

"This is my brother Sodapop" PonyBoy pointed the guy with Movie star looks who was very handsome with long hair of a dark golden brown colour, Tan skin and blue eyes.

"This is my brother Sodapop" PonyBoy pointed the guy with Movie star looks who was very handsome with long hair of a dark golden brown colour, Tan skin and blue eyes

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