Chapter 16 [Wasted]

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You looked at the open door, attempting to sprint out, instantly being stopped by Kaede.

"Where do you think you are going?" She stared down at you, pushing you back in. A malicious smile washed upon Rantaro's face.

"Did you really think that would have worked?" He secretly bowed in Kaedes direction, thanking her before reaching out his hand towards you. "Now... you will regret that..."

Weeks Later: 1:30pm

Your body laid there. Limply over the side of the bed. It's been... a couple of weeks, you didn't know exactly how long as you didn't bother to keep count. There have been many torture events from Maki, and now. Shuichi was being 'tamed' in the room over as Rantaro liked to say. Scream after scream was heard, but you were too tired to react.

You couldn't move, everything ached. You refused to touch your food, wishing you were dead for every second that passed. But you knew, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't meet Shuichi... But, you would have never felt complete without him...

Or was he just toying with you?

You shacked off the thoughts, trying to focus on something other than the pain. Including the floating peices of dust in front of you.

It's cold... You thought to yourself randomly.

The door swung open, revealing a bruised and crying raven boy. Wait... Crying? You knew Shuichi never cried, so you knew something terrible could have happened. Then your eyes caught a glance of blood dripping from the side of his neck. They were going to kill him? No... they were just torturing him. Your eyes began to water, the state that Shuichi was in was enough for you to show your emotions for the first time after a while.

You both kept silent, staring at each others abused figure. Shuichi was the first to move, running up to you and hugging you immediately. You both began to cry into each others shoulders. Wishing for a better life, wishing for the pain to end.

Wishing to die...

"Shuichi..." You cried out, breaking the silence.

"Shh, It's okay Kokichi, I know..." He caressed your black hair. "I am okay, you are okay." He whispered into your ear, attempting to calm you down. "Just try to sleep..." Blood began to trail from Shuichi's wound onto you, making you instinctively try to stop the bleeding. "Have you eaten yet?" He questioned, ignoring your hand on his neck. You shook your head, trying to seek warmth in your fellow captive. He surprisingly didn't tell you to eat, probably understanding why. Instead, he focused on helping your pain lessen and making you fall asleep.

Rantaro stayed in the corner of the room, watching with disgust. But when he noticed you crying in pain and the way you wanted to die, his face dropped. The green-haired man started to walk towards you two. You began to whimper in fear as Shuichi glared at Rantaro, leaning away from his hand and bringing your face into Shuichi's chest more. Rantaro retracted his hand, walking out the room with a glum look painted on his blank face.

"Shuichi... I- I want to die... w-with you..." Shuichi looked at you with a shocked expression, holding onto your shoulders with tears running down his face.

"No, Don't you ever think like that! We will get out... I promise you!" You smiled half-heartedly.

"Y-You know... that will- never happen..." You replied weakily. Even though your torture finished way before Shuichi's, you were still filled with pain. "P-Please... I can't t-take it anymore..." You made it pretty obvious, you weren't going to die without Shuichi. You couldn't leave him all alone, you didn't want to be left all alone. Shuichi weakily smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Try to get some sleep, I promise we will get out. And that's exactly what I plan to do." You nodded as you fell asleep, cuddling him. Shuichi sleeping moments after.


"G-- -p." You could barely hear the voices in your sleep-like state. "Ge- up n-w!" But you knew the voice was one filled with anger. "I SAID GET UP!" The voice became clear as you and Shuichi were pushed off the bed, landing in a painful position. Your eyes shot open as you winced slightly. "It's time --- --------- -----." The rest of his words were blurred out as you began to panick, knowing what he meant. He? Oh sorry, I mean Kaito. For the first time, Kaito stepped into the room, calling you for punishment. What for? Nothing. Just the usual.

"No... please..." You pleaded, "Not again..." You looked into his eyes, fear consuming you.

"Let's get this over with..." Shuichi said, trying to hide his fear as he picked you up, taking you to the dreaded ring for the 5th time.

"Welcome back you wonderful audience! Today, we have a special torture planned. Burning." The mic began to crackle as everyone began to cheer. You began to cry, Rantaro looking at you with pity as everyone continued to chant.

Shuichi was chosen to go first, his hands and head locked in place with a giant board and Maki headed from behind him, holding a stick lighted with fire and burning Shuichi's back slightly, not enough to kill him but just enough for him to scream in agony.

You watched in fear, knowing this was what you were in for next.

Maki dumped the stick in a bucket filled with water, taking out the fire as she picked up a peice of hot iron using some big pair tweezers. The word 'Mastermind' engraved on the bottom. The iron was placed onto his bare back, burning him instantly. He began to... cry again. Shuichi really can't handle it either, huh... The iron was removed, leaving behind the word 'Mastermind'. It looked like a crispy tattoo. Shuichi was released, as you were lead to your certain doom.

The crowd began to cheer again, you being forced into the same bent over position as Shuichi was, your head was forced through the hole along with your hands (A/N: You know what I am talking about right? Those ones used to throw tomatoes at them and to execute people in the past) You shut your eyes, the pain of the heat coursing through your body as you screamed and cried, the audience seeming to enjoy it. However, you were handed a different iron with different words engraved on the side. It was much bigger and hotter than what was given to Shuichi. 'Rantaro's Property'.

Shuichi began to shout words like 'Stop!' and 'Don't hurt him!' But obviously, no one listened. You shouted, you cried, and finally, you fainted...


||A/N: You picked 'Just attempt to run away'||

>Best Option< 'Tell Rantaro you hate him' - He wouldn't react and would just tell you 'You will love me soon'

||R.I.P Kokichi||


All choices you make will affect the outcome of this story.


*Go and tell Rantaro you 'love' him.

*Accept life as it is.

*Plan with Shuichi to escape. >Key word: Plan<

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