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its been a week since their rough sex happened, Tzuyu was worried because Sana is nowhere to be found.

He kept dialing her number but she's not answering it, he went to their house but her friends said that she's not there.

Tzuyu could only sigh, he was worried.

Sana was avoiding him, he kept thinking what he done wrong. Everything's fine between them the other day.

He tried calling again Sana and thank god, she answered it.









Sana hanged up the call.

Tzuyu quickly took off his coat and get his car keys, he went straight to Sana's house and saw her waiting outside.

Looking down, her face was gloomy and sad.

Tzuyu went outside and quickly hugged Sana, they went inside the car and Sana is being quiet this time.

Tzuyu hates it, he parked the car near a cafe. He faced Sana and looked at her in the eyes. He was trying to find answers on Sana's eyes but sadly, he can't.

"what's wrong??"Tzuyu asked, Sana looked down again while holding back her tears.

"Sana please, tell me i'm worried"he said and caressed Sana's cheeks, Sana suddenly hugged Tzuyu tight and sobbed on his chest.

Tzuyu could only caress her back and calm her down, Sana can't because she's sobbing so hard and tears can't stop falling in her eyes.

Her eyes was sore because she's crying everyday also.

"baby what's wrong?"Tzuyu asked again, Sana looked at her while crying, Tzuyu wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Tzu, from now on..please stay away from me"she said causing Tzuyu to widened his eyes, he clenched his fist and punched the steering wheel.

"hell no Sana!!!"he shouted and kissed Sana's lips forcefully.

Sana pushed him away and sobbed.

"wanna know the fucking truth??!!"Sana shouted, Tzuyu gasped closed his eyes tightly.

"fine!! I'm pregnant and its your baby tzuyu!!"she shouted again causing Tzuyu's heart skipped a beat.

"w-what?"he asked again, it didn't sink on his mind.

"i already said it, i'm pregnant and its your child"Sana said sobbed on her palms.

Tzuyu remained silent.

"please..from now on..stay away from me..i can raise the baby alone Tzuyu"she said and tried to went outside but Tzuyu held her back.

"Sana, iloveyou"Tzuyu suddenly said, Sana gasped and all of sudden, their eyes met again.

"are you saying that because of the baby?"she asked, Tzuyu quickly shook his head.

"no, i really love you"Tzuyu said.

Sana was speechless, no words came out in her mouth at the sudden confession.

"i really do, since the day i laid my eyes on you. I'm starting to love you, i know i promise not to fall inlove again but Sana, you changed me into a better person again. I just want you, only you. Even if we don't have the same feelings but i promise to stay on your side and take care of you same with our baby."

Tzuyu held her hands.

"Sana, i love you and its true"Tzuyu said and hugged her, Sana always felt safe on his arms.

Tzuyu is proud that he's gonna be a dad soon and luckily, Sana is the mom. He can't believe this and he was so happy, time flies so fast.

Tzuyu take Sana on his house and they cuddled all night long.

"you shouldn't tire yourself starting today babygirl, we need to take care of our baby"Tzuyu said and Sana chuckled.

"of course, thankyou"Sana said and minutes later, she slept on Tzuyu's arm.

Tzuyu smiled because from this view, Sana was still attractive in Tzuyu's eyes.

"i know you don't deserve a jerk like me, but i'm here to take care and protect you Sana"he said and kissed Sana's forehead.

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