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"Unnie, were here to inform you that Momo unnie is at the hospital today"Mina said calmly, Sana's eyes widened when she forgot that Momo is pregnant too.

"can we see her?"Sana asked, Mina's brows arched.

"are you sure?"she asked, Sana nodded and smiled. She's a little better now.

"then let's go"Chaeyoung said, they went inside the car and Chaeyoung quickly drive through the hospital.

They entered the hospital and asked the nurse where the hell is Hirai Momo.

When they knew Momo's room, they quickly went inside and saw Momo was sleeping peacefully with Dahyun on her side.

"what happened to her?"Sana asked calmly and approached Dahyun, he was holding Momo's hand tightly.

"good thing they both survived unnie, i'm thankful"Dahyun started with a teary eye, they sighed in relief and sat on the couch.

"where's the baby?"Mina asked.

"she's in the incubator right now, we can see her now."Dahyun said.

"what about Momo unnie?"Mina asked, Chaeyoung cleared his throat.

"i'll stay here, you can go and see their baby"Chaeyoung said, Mina smiled and kissed him on the cheeks.

"that's what i like babe"Mina said, Chaeyoung smiled and gave her s finger heart.

Sana's heart awed, she can see Tzuyu and her.

They went to see the baby, it was so cute and it looks alot like Dahyun.

"wahh she's so cute"Mina said while staring deeply at the baby who's sleeping peacefully on the incubator.

"Momo is just 8months pregnant but her labor is early, good thing she was strong"Dahyun said happily while staring at her baby.

Sana bet that they're so happy because Momo gave birth to their first baby. How she wish she was too.

She nearly killed herself a while ago, good thing Mina and Chaeyoung was there to stop her.

When Mina noticed that Sana's eyes are getting teary, she approached and hugged her waist.

Sana looked at her and smiled weakly.

"its okay unnie"Sana was touched to Mina's words, she was getting better and better because of Mina's words.

They went home because its already evening, they know that Tzuyu was worried because Sana was not yet home.

"thankyou for the ride"Sana said to Michaeng, they smiled and drove their self home.

Sana knocked on the door.

"Sana, baby?"Tzuyu shouted from inside, Sana's lips curved into a small smile.

"its me Tzuyu"Sana said, Tzuyu quickly opened the door and hugged Sana tight.

"where the hell have you been? I was so worried Sana." Tzuyu said and stared at Sana's face.

"i just went to the hospital and see Momo okay? Nothing else, i'm fine"Sana said, Tzuyu smiled and nodded.

"come on, its cold in here baby"Tzuyu said and pulled Sana inside their house.

They laid down on the bed and cuddled, Sana was bubbly again.

"good to have the bubbly one back"Tzuyu said, Sana smiled and kissed Tzuyu's cheek.

"you brought it back, i realize that accepting what happened is the best way to feel better tzu"Sana said, Tzuyu smiled and caressed Sana's hair.

Their faces were just inches away, the room was so quiet and Sana puts her head near Tzuyu's heart.

"i can hear your heart beating"Sana said, Tzuyu chuckled.

"it only beats for you baby"Tzuyu said, Sana rolled her eyes and smiled after that. Tzuyu is cheesy when it comes to her girl.

"cheesy"Sana said and they both laugh, minutes later.

They slept and Sana was on top of Tzuyu, sleeping like a baby in Tzuyu's arms.

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