Chapter 1: Honesty - Amy

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He's here... How is this possible? Every fiber in my being says it's him, but... What do I say? How can I voice these words out loud? Every single time that man says my name, it's like an arrow, straight to my heart.

I stand up and walk over to him like I'm being pulled by an invisible force.

No, it's not possible. Beth would never set me up like this, would she? I'm so afraid to say it aloud when Jay is downstairs. Why did he leave me here, all alone with him? This man knows my body so well. It's like he's known me forever, but...

He holds my hands over my head and forcefully says, "Amelia, answer me."

I don't know what to do, so I just say it aloud and let it all go.

I exclaim, "Vin... I picture Vin! I'm sorry, but he is always in my head. I don't want him to be, but he's always there, saying my name, echoing deep inside of me. He was my first love, that I never really got over and I..."

At that moment, he kisses me deeply, then says my name so softly in my ear, again and again. He then drops to his knees and kisses my belly, just like Vin would do when I needed to calm down.

That's it. I need this goddamn blindfold off now!

With my thumbs, I pull it off my head. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust. Looking down at this man kneeling before me, I see something miraculous. Touching his face, running my fingers through his hair, I have no words to describe this moment other than awestruck.

My God, how can this be...

Seeing this incredible man looking up at me, I'm so stunned. His hair is shorter than I remember, but it's thick and brown like chocolate. He has that look in his eyes, those beautiful eyes that I have longed to see for such a long time. My heart aches as I stare at this man, my Vin, for the first time in so long.

"I've missed you so much, Amelia... God, so fucking much." Vin whispers as I gasp and drop to my knees with him.

Kissing him with every ounce of me, I never want to stop as his large, muscular hands grab hold of my body and Vin pulls me into his embrace.

He's here... Vin is really here with me! That is all I can think as my mind spins out of control.

"I've missed looking into your eyes, Amelia." He whispers and I just keep kissing him as we almost fall to the ground.

Vin catches me, as always, and I look around at this magnificent bedroom. We are surrounded by baskets of the most fragrant flowers, roses, and lilies, so many that I can't even believe that this is all happening. It like a fairytale come true.

As he caresses me, Vin touches my body so gently and I try to also, but these cuffs are stopping me. I need to touch him so badly that I put my wrists over his head and we kiss once more, slowly this time, as my toes curl and our bodies heat up.

We stop and smile at each other. I've missed looking into his eyes, I think to myself as he stares back at me. And neither one of us can look away.

"How is this possible?" I shout out and laugh just as Jay walks into the room.

He stops in his tracks, watching us with total shock. Looking at him and then back at Vin, I don't know what to do at this moment, but I can see they are just as unsure, too.

Do they know each other? Did Beth do this on purpose?

Jay slowly walks towards us and I look at both of them together. How did this happen and why? Removing my arms from around Vin's neck, I feel very uncomfortable suddenly.

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