Chapter 16: The Past - Amy

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Vin and Jay are cousins, they've both been lying to each other for years and this worries me. I understand Vin did this as a safety precaution, but why did Beth tell Jay not to be honest with us? Mr. Goodwin must have explained this all to her because the three of us were friends when we were younger. Then again... They were not best friends, and she kept her distance from Vin after we got together. Now that I think about it all.

Jay explains, "First off, you should have told me the truth from the beginning... Granted, I held back and that's on me, but what if talking to you about all of this is the reason, they took Lizzy? Think about it, man, this can't be another coincidence. Maybe she was taken because they think we talked to you about our family."

Vin looks at him with anger, and asks, "What are you talking about?"

Jay replies, "There is something dad said to me once, that I never understood, and it has something to do with our fathers. It was dad's 50th birthday, and I walked in as Dad was tearing up while looking at a picture of himself and your mom. He was upset and told me about how Mark has been blackmailing him for years. That he had been told to stay away from you. My father could not talk to you, about our family, but I don't know why. All my father said was that Mark had people watching us and if you found out about our two families being related, we would be destroyed. I remember him clearly saying the word we and if that's the case, doesn't it seem rather coincidental that a few hours after we talked, Liz gets taken?"

Vin is quiet for a moment as he thinks about what Jay is saying. If this is true, then this might be the reason Beth was taken to Heath Grove.

He now knows the truth. Vin has found out about all that happened in the past because of tonight. This may very well have to do with their families because they asked for the items in Donald's briefcase.

"Why did Mark not want Vin to know about all of you? What harm could it do?" I ask, and Jay shakes his head.

He continues, "I don't know Amy, it never made sense. Obviously, at some point, Cal would find out about us. We live next door to each other, for the love of God, and Calvin was friends with my sister. All I know is that it hurt my father, having to stay away from him. Beth obviously knows more about this than I do, because they lied to me for years. I swear to God, before today I had never met my cousin Calvin Roth, let alone that he lived with me and is my best friend."

Vin nods and looks away from us.

"I've known Mr. Goodwin for years, and he's a good man. I can't believe he would do anything to hurt you, Vin." I say as he looks at me with annoyance.

He replies with an attitude, "Amelia, everyone around us has been lying or telling half-truths. People we are close to were part of this, so maybe he's not as good as you believe him to be."

Jay answers, "Cal, I am only trying to help. In case you've forgotten, my sister's life hangs in the balance. If she was taken because of all of this, then we need to figure out how to save her."

He's frustrated, and Vin needs to let him talk.

"Let me explain what I know. Evelyn and my dad were brother and sister, they were twins. He loved her very much, and they were close, but Mark kept her away from my dad. You and I are family and my father wanted to raise you as his own when they died. He didn't want your Aunt Sara to have you, but Mark left a will that stated she would become your legal guardian if anything were to happen to him and Aunt Evelyn." He states.

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