Chapter 4: He Came - Amy

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Vin's bedroom is beautiful, very modern despite that, I can't believe I'm here. The California king bed is giant. It looks very masculine with the black, gray, and red comforter set, yet the size of this room makes it appear normal. It so spacious and yet sparse, because there is nothing personal in here.

Clearing off the food and placing the leftovers in the mini-fridge, I'm still completely in awe of this situation. I'm standing here in Vin Roth's bedroom, wearing his shirt while the two of them are downstairs to discuss God only knows what. This is all so bizarre, it's unfathomable that today, of all days, I run into Vin at a sex club. Seriously, what are the odds on that one?

Taking a deep breath, I walk around the room and take it all in. These flowers are so beautiful and fragrant, but where did they all come from? There are no mementos scattered about, so I wonder if he just moved in? Turning to the sliding glass door, he has a very large balcony outside. Maybe I'll take a peek and see what the weather is like.

Stepping out into the night air, there is a warm breeze, and I feel so comfortable here. Down below, I see the Olympic size pool and it's surrounded by at least an acre of woods, if not more. The Jacuzzi looks enormous. Maybe we can use that later, I think to myself with a smirk. That's when I see the flower garden and glance back inside the room. Did he cut these flowers for me? Is that what they did while I drank my glass of wine?

This place is so wonderful, so peaceful, and then I hear them talking, rather loudly down below.

"Cal... What is the plan here? Do you want her all for yourself? Do we share her? She is in love with you, Cal, and I think I should just bow out." Jay says loudly while they walk out onto the patio.

I quickly back up so they don't notice me.

Vin replies, "Jacob, you don't know that. She has been fantasizing about the memory of us as teenagers. Would I be thrilled if she did? Yes, but we have to get to know each other again. Amelia cares for you a great deal and I guess that night made such an impression that she was willing to go away with you, blindfolded and bound, to God knows where."

Then Jay asks, "Was that your plan? To marry her? Yet you said nothing to me. Not one word. You lied about your name, your slave girl, and why you were so upset that night. What else have you lied about?"

"Jacob, I was coming back for her," Vin says and then takes a seat on the outdoor furniture.

He adds, "I had it all planned out, bought her the Lamborghini and yes, I was thinking about asking her to marry me. That is all true and I'm sorry I lied about my name, about everything, but I didn't know you that well."

"Right, you've said that already," Jay says while joining him.

"Listen to me... When we became friends, I was worried that telling you would ruin our friendship. Jesus, everything blew up, my life went to shit, and I was so lost. Jacob, I was going to explain this all to you, but it was never the right time. I am so sorry, but from here on out, you will know the truth."

I hear Jay say to Vin, "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were going to her graduation, and that you wanted to marry her? You came home destroyed, yet still, you never said a word to me about any of it. If I were going to ask someone to marry me, I might tell my best friend and if it didn't happen, I would tell you that as well. Then you go on a Fuck mission where you do anyone you see and then to top it off, you disappear for years. Why didn't you tell me, Cal? Now I'm worried about what else you're not telling me. Are you okay with this? If not, you better tell me now and I will walk away."

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