Chapter 6: Don't Judge - Kevin

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Three hours later, after unpacking all of Elizabeth Goodwin's shit, I am exhausted as I get back to my room. She had so much junk. No wonder Beth's old roomy was annoyed with her. Alright, time to see how I fared.

Stepping into my hidden room, I watch and listen to the girls discuss my performance. Hopefully, I made a better impression this time.

Turning on the monitor, I then take my seat and see what the girls have to say about me this time.

Beth says, "You're right. He looks similar to Vinny, almost a doppelganger, same build, same hair, but his eyes are different. Kevin's gray eyes are so intense and he has that sexy, tight-trimmed beard. The only thing is, his nose is totally wrong, much smaller."

Amy flops on the bed and says, "I know, but there is something about him. You like him, right?"

"Kevin seems sweet, Amy, but there is a bad boy inside of him. Not in a bad way, just be careful." Beth adds.

Yes, I've won her over for now. I just have to keep her happy and then I'll have a supporter in my quest. It would be great if I didn't have to talk Amy into everything that needs to get done in front of our team. Beth will hopefully back me and stand up for my ideas if I have a problem with Amy going along with the plan.

"I agree, and I'll keep my eyes open. It broke my heart to hear that his girlfriend died and that she looked like me. He seemed okay that I looked like her, right? Kevin is very attractive and maybe if I feel ready, he could be the one-night stand we were talking about." Amy says with that look.

Beth laughs and replies, "You, a one-night stand... Right. I told you before, you're not the type to do that and there is no way you should ever do that with him. He lives right down the hall from us, girl. How could you do that to the RA and then what... Ignore him in the hallway? You are not that cold Amy, but I agree, you need to get some, and Kevin fits the bill!"

They laugh, and I feel myself getting aroused at the thought of Amy in my bed. I glance out the door and picture her laying there, naked and wanting like she was for him.

Amy asks, "Are you hungry? I'm going to try a brownie. Do you want one?"

Beth shakes her head no and disappears into their bathroom.

She calls out, "No thanks Amy, I have to watch everything I put in my mouth. I'm not like you, who can eat whatever you want and never gain a pound. They look yummy though... I'm going to take a shower."

Watching Amy walk over for her brownie, I hope this works. I'm curious to see how she reacts to her treatment.

Leaning back in my chair, I'm enjoying the show as Beth takes her shower and Amy gets undressed.

These cameras are placed perfectly if I say so myself. Funny, Amy just put on a white wife beater and some short black shorts. Not what I had pictured her wearing tonight, but that will change. I have a feeling I'll be dreaming about Miss Amy tonight, and maybe she will dream of me as well.

As she gets into bed, Beth comes out of the bathroom in her Little Kitty, tight-fitting PJ's, turns out the light, and climbs into bed.

She says, "Good night Amy, I think we are going to have a lot of fun living together."

Personally, I couldn't agree more.

As I watch my new charge try to get comfortable in her tiny twin bed, I think about the plan. This works out perfectly and I like these night vision cameras too. They are so clear and I can see everything they are doing. The problem is, they can see them too.

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