Chapter 14: Nine Months - Joe

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Listening to the local news anchor, he says, "This is Bradly McMasters, Channel 9 News. We have a breaking story, coming to us live. It's now been confirmed. There were two people found dead inside the Roth Estate. The coroner states the bodies were burned beyond recognition, but the officer in charge believes it is, in fact, the remains of Mark and Evelyn Roth. Mr. Roth was the owner and CEO of Roth Corp, which is one of the largest oil corporations in the country. Mr. Roth's sister, Sara Blake, stated that she spoke with Evelyn Roth late last night and that she and her husband were at home for the evening. Blake also mentioned that Evelyn seemed upset and that the two were having marital problems. This was no surprise to her or our reporter, because of Mr. Roth's affliction towards women. Currently, there are 3 lawsuits still pending, due to his extra-marital affairs."

That's right, I forgot about the "Witches of Eastwick" or so Mark called them. He felt they were out to get him, which is funny considering he was the one who took advantage of them.

"We go live now to Captain Thomas Donaldson of the Pinerest Police Department." He states as they show the burned house again.

Looking at the remains of the estate and the team of officers standing outside, Captain Donaldson steps up to the podium.

"Good morning. The Pinerest police detectives are currently involved in an ongoing investigating into the fire and the two deaths at the Roth Estate. We have found evidence showing that this was arson and not accidental. The authorities have found a strange oily substance, which was dispersed around the first and second floor of the west wing, that was then set ablaze. We have confirmed that the bodies, were, in fact, Mark and Evelyn Roth. Their deaths were intentional, they were both shot at point-blank range, and the murder weapon, a 357 Magnum handgun, was found at the scene. If anyone knows of any information regarding this investigation, please contact the Pinerest police department using the number at the bottom of your screen. We are not releasing any further information at this time. The investigation is still ongoing and we will continue to update you as it progresses."

As I watch in horror, while hearing the words replay over and over in my mind, I am in total shock. They are gone, Eve and Mark are dead. My God, I didn't believe it, but they really are and he used my brand-new gun to do it, that son of a bitch.

Turning off the tv, it all sinks in.

Jesus, I'll be suspect number one! They haven't said that I did it yet, but they are looking for me, I'm sure of it now. Thank God I move more money into the accounts that I had set up for Dee. The problem will be if they notice what I've done. Then, transferring the funds will make me look even more guilty than just the full-faced mug shot of me on the security camera.

Once I've packed up everything I can think of, it's time to get out of here. There is only one place to go for now and be safe. This is not my first choice, but it will have to do. I'll be putting all my eggs in one basket by my cabin in the woods. Buying it only a few weeks ago with cash was the best thing I could have done. In my mind, I don't see how they could know about it yet. The ink isn't even dry on the deed.

Looking at the clock, I need to go before the sun comes up and my leg is already on fire from walking on it so much.

Taking a pain pill would make me feel better, but I have to keep my wits about me. For now, I'll just have to wait until I get there. Am I crazy to be going back there? I don't know where else would be more feasible than the cabin. I'll have some protection because of the acreage and surveillance cameras. If my leg wasn't so bad, I could charter a plane out of here, maybe go to Tahiti or Bora Bora. Instead, I'm stuck here, just waiting to be caught and framed for two murders that I didn't commit.

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