Chapter 9: The Watchers - Kevin

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Walking into the cafeteria, I see my two lovely ladies sitting at a table. They are waiting for me, over in the corner, away from everyone else.

Perfect, I couldn't have chosen a better spot.

As I walk up, they both see me and smile. Amy looks rather flush, as I flash to the night before and what we did together.

"Hello, Amy... Beth, how are you two doing today?" I say as they smile at me.

I'm trying to figure out how to play this when I see a familiar face come walking up to us.

Shit, why is she here?

"Hello Kevin, how have you been? I've missed you, lover." Sherry says and I realize they sent her in for me.

They must want me to call in.

I reply, "Hey Sherry, I've been busy with all the new students. Now that I'm the new RA, I've been swamped. How have you been? You look incredible, by the way."

I smile, playing the role of the ex-boyfriend. Sherry has been strumming my bicep since she got here and has that do me, look in her eyes.

A second later, she kisses me deeply and grabs a hold of my crotch. This is all in full view of my new charge and her friend.

"I've missed you, Kevin. I see you've moved on, but if you want to go a few rounds, let me know. I'm up for it and it feels like you are too." She says almost like a growl.

Getting annoyed, I'm about done with the slutty ex-girlfriend crap. She is taking this way too far.

"Sherry, it was fun, but I have moved on, and so should you. Please let go of my dick, so that I can have lunch with my friends." I say sternly.

She rubs me a few more times and then lets go.

Sherry says, "Hey, a girl can try, right?"

"Goodbye Kevin, I'll miss you." She adds while pinching my ass and then walks away.

Looking back, I see her take a seat with Jessica, the lesbian who I would love to turn one day.

"Well, that was a bit much, huh?" I say, and they laugh.

Good, that broke the ice, but I'm going to have a talk with Sherry about overacting.

Beth says with a smirk, "Boy, she really had a hold on you!"

We all chuckle at that as well, and I look at Amy mouthing the words, "I'm sorry."

She nods at me, and I take a seat next to her.

"So, what does everyone want for lunch? Or should we go out? I parked right over by the door and I'm kind of sick of this place. Let me take you two out for something tasty." I say, and they both nod in agreement.

"Great, where do you want to go?" Amy asks, and I think for a moment.

As she smiles at me, I try to tamp down the feeling of want. Glancing over to Beth, she smiles, too.

"Oh, I've got it... How does Chinese food sound? I could go for some Shrimp Lo Mein or Szechuan Shrimp, or maybe some Lobster... What do you think?" I ask knowingly.

Amy loves Chinese food and those are her favorite dishes.

"Mm... That sounds so good!" Amy exclaims and Beth agrees as well, so we head out to my car.

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