Chapter 17: The Projects - Joe

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Looking at the name on the mailbox and after observing the current tenant, I've found that Dee has moved somewhere else. She's gone and an older woman now lives in her apartment. This place is okay, but a bit run down.

With the money she had, they could have lived in the best house in town. Hell, she could have hired a nanny to boot. Acting as a private detective, I went up and knocked on the apartment door. Maybe she remembers Dee or knows someone around here who does.

"Hello Mrs. Steinman, is it?" I ask while showing my fake badge as fast as I can.

The elderly woman nods and looks annoyed with me already.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She asks.

Looking down her nose at me and over her glasses, she is sizing me up. This mature woman is tall, about my height, and a very heavy-set, masculine-looking old woman. The old girl has on a blue-flowered housecoat, and on her head sits a white turban, of sorts. Hopefully, she is nicer than she seems so far.

Clearing my throat, I respond, "I'm sorry to bother you. But I need some information on the woman who lived here before you, a Miss Deirdre Murray... Did you know her?"

I pray she can tell me something.

She replies, "Yes... I knew her and she was a despicable person. The apartment manager kicked her out after she left her 3-year-old daughter home, all alone to go out whoring around."

Dumbfounded by her abruptness, I just nod.

The old girl continues. "That woman would go out drinking every night, sleep with strange men, bringing many john's back home with her. She was a sexual deviant, and I can only imagine what that little girl saw. I lived in apartment 2B, up there, and I saw how mistreated and malnourished that poor little girl was. Living upstairs from them, I saw everything and heard it all. Let me tell you. That woman was a hooker, and I'm glad they took that tiny little thing away from her. That baby was so dirty, all the time, and that mother never even brushed her hair. When I moved into this apartment, I had to have it cleaned and fumigated. That's how nasty this place was, but with my hip, I needed a first-floor apartment."

Listening to her. My heart sank. I was filled with pure anger that my baby was so mistreated.

How could she have done that to Amelia? Dee must have lost her mind or had a nervous breakdown after Mark fired her. Part of this is my fault. But she didn't have to live this way.

Trying to remain calm, I ask, "Mrs. Steinman, do you know where Miss Murray lives now?"

Not that I want to go see her, but I need to know the truth. I need to find Amelia.

She answers, "Why yes, I sure do... After she was arrested, social services removed the child and Deirdre went to live in the projects down on Water Street. That's where she belongs, you know, down there with the rest of the animals. She was a vile human being and deserved everything she got handed to her if you ask me."

Again, I nod and try to keep control of my emotions.

"Thank you for your help, Mrs. Steinman. That's all I needed. Have a nice night." I reply while walking away from the door.

She yells out, "Why are you looking for her? Are you working with the other private eye from a few months ago?"

Another private-eye? Shit.

"If you need anything else, just stop by." the woman shouts as I walk away.

She waves at me and I want to hit something.

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