Chapter 19: So Many Secrets - Amy

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Hearing a loud sigh, with his hands on his head, Vin says, "I know what Donald found... it was me. I was working on one of our oil rigs in St. Croix when he suddenly appeared. Don talked me into returning home to run the company. He said that there might be people after me, and I assumed he meant the media, but not."

I look at Dave, and he is stunned.

Vin continues, "He gave me two bodyguards, but when Don was killed, they left and went to find out what had happened to him. They never returned, so I stayed out of sight until Jacob called. It had been 24 hours since I'd heard anything, so getting out of town made sense to me. Maybe they killed him because he brought me home. God, I'm so sorry, all of you, for what has happened and I feel like this is all my fault."

Dad walks over and pats him on the back while mom hugs him. I love my parents. They can see he is hurting, and neither one blames him for any of this, thank God.

Jay asks, "So, where is Robert now? That guy is just as much to blame as Mark is for all of this depravity."

Dave answers, "Robert Ryan is dead. I'm sure you all remember that night, outside the house on University Ave. The man Evans shot that night was Robert Ryan. Well, Dr. Donald Evans shot him before turning the gun on himself. Evans worked for Roth Corp. as a scientist and our team found a cassette tape, locked in Dad's desk, that Evans made that night. Listening to them, Evans and Ryan were fighting, and Robert wanted him to get the blood samples from the girl next door and to stop trying to delay the situation. We think he was talking about you, Amy."

"Me? Did they want my blood? Why?" I ask as Mom and Dad sit down, looking anxious again.

Dave explains, "We just don't know, Amy. Robert also mentioned that Evans had an underground lab, but we're not sure where that is exactly. I assume it's the one I saw beneath Heath Grove, but that seems rather far away. They talked about needing her DNA and that it was pure. That's about all we know because Evans kept refusing to discuss it and then the fight broke out. He shot Robert at the end of the tape, then it was silent for a while because he went outside to kill himself. It's not much, but it is the information we need to look into further."

"So, they wanted my blood for the pure DNA. Why is my blood pure?" I ask nervously, as Vin holds my hand.

He continues, "I don't know Amy, but we realized that Ryan's people were the first to arrive on the scene. They cleaned up the house before my dad arrived. Someone was talking, after the shooting, on the tape, but we haven't been able to make out, what was said. Evans must have known this was coming, and he took steps to procure a hiding spot for the hidden microphone. It was concealed by his grandfather's clock. That must be why he pointed to his watch that night Amy."

"Wow, this is all so crazy," I say while looking at my parents.

"My father's team came in after so that he could protect your dad. He was the one who made sure no one found Joe. My mother and father lived in that house on University Avenue before I was born. Dad built that room and he knew that's where Dee and Joe would be hiding." Dave explains.

Wait, what?

Dave then adds, "My grandmother had told him all about you and that your family was to be protected. Grandma May, made him promise to take care of all of us and dad swore he would. I think father may have died while hiding your secrets, Joe, and I am very proud of him for all he tried to do."

Dave gets teary-eyed as dad walks over to him. He shakes Dave's hand, hugs him, and apologized to him for his loss.

Dave was always there if I needed him, and I just never knew how much his family did for ours.

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