Chapter 15: The Test - Kevin

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Tonight, Amelia will be tested and I'm a little worried about the outcome. I've been observing them all day long, watching movies and talking about their past. It's another rainy afternoon, and hopefully, it will clear up. If not, this will ruin my plans for her test this evening.

As they discuss which video to play next, I sit back and light a cigarette. First, they watched a vampire movie, both seemed to enjoy it and they knew some parts word for word. I was surprised by this. For an older movie, it was pretty good. Then these two debated on whether to watch Amy's pick or Beth's and of course Miss Goodwin won. It's funny, both these leading men are in that first movie too, from the 90s. Hmm... I think Amy likes a certain actor that I resemble, but Calvin looks like him too.

Thinking about my plans for tonight, I worry Amy is not ready.

They will look for specific things tonight, and I pray we can pull this off. A lot is riding on her and if I fail, they may remove me. She might rebel against my requests, and that would be terrible for both of us. This evening she has three challenges and if Amy obeys all three, we will move on to the next stage of her training.

Breaking me from my thoughts, there is a knock at my door and I hope it is Dan because he should have been here a half-hour ago. Walking out of the hidden room, I shut the door and lock it, just in case it's one of Amy's friends.

Checking my room over, I open the door and say, "Dan, good to see you, man. Come on in, bud."

He walks into my room, looking annoyed. Shutting the door behind him, Dan walks over and sits on my computer chair. The man seems exhausted, and he does not want to be here.

Things have not gone well for him since the incident. Dan has helped me a few times now, but his heart is no longer into all of this because of Slave and what they did to her. Plus, he got caught rifling through Calvin's room and the FBI got involved. Our lawyers got him out, but I think that mission took its toll on him.

"So, when do we start?" He asks as I grab my coat, condoms, and keys.

Dan smirks and stands back up as we walk down the hall to Amy's room.

I was going to ask about Slave, but we don't want to go there tonight.

We get to their door, and he nods as I knock. Beth answers and invites us inside. She looks thrilled to see Dan, and he acts accordingly. They kiss deeply and she swoons dramatically. Little Miss Goodwin is falling for him, but he is in love with another. Dan enjoys Beth, quite a bit, and the fact that she has the same sexual appetite is a plus for tonight.

Look at this goddess before me, dressed in red. Amy is ready. I can feel it deep down inside.

"So where are we going tonight, boys?" Amy asks and I walk over to her and nuzzle her neck.

She giggles nervously as I look inside her top and smile.

My charge was told no bra or panties tonight, and that was the first test.

Happily, I turn around to look at Dan. He smiles and Beth notices.

She's a smart girl, rarely does anything go unnoticed by her best friend.

I state, "I thought we would take you, ladies, to Dominic's Steak House. How does that sound?"

The girls smile and nod with excitement. We help them on with their coats and head out the door. Handing Dan my keys, I prepared her for test number two on the way there.

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