Chapter 8: The Abyss - Joe

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Walking into my office, I try to act nonchalant about what I'm doing. This must be done by raising no suspicions if I want to quit this job and move on with my life. Sitting at my desk, I work on various papers while slowly empty the hidden safe inside my bottom desk drawer.

This is difficult to do without the cameras picking anything up.

Feeling around, there's my new gun and I decide to leave that right where it is, in the safe. There is no way I can get that out of the building, now that Mark has put in place, his metal detectors at each exit.

That's one thing I should never have bought. Mark wanted to do some target practice at this gun range, out of town. It was very enjoyable even though we were hanging out with a bunch of rich bastards I didn't know. Afterward, we all went into the gun shop and that's when Mark saw the case filled with weapons. The A357 Magnum handgun is a 6-shot revolver with a comfortable rubber grip. It has a Single Action or Double Action trigger for improved accuracy and speed. At least, that's what the guy behind the counter said. So Mark bought one, and he shamed me into buying one as well.

It made sense to get one for protection. Did I want one? No, but I'm a guy and that's just what we do when we're hanging out, blowing money on shit we don't need. Stupid, I know, but it's nice to have one if I ever need it, which is highly doubtful. Then again, the way Mark and I piss people off, this gun could have saved our lives. This is the reason it has sat in this safe for the past year.

Actually, I do own another gun. It was my father's and I have never actually seen it or touched the thing. That gun has stayed in the lockbox where it was placed the day he died. It's kept in my safe, at home with the other important family items and personal papers.

That will be my next stop after this, and then I need to find a suitable spot to put these things in case I need to leave in a hurry.

Mark will not like the fact that I am leaving the company and he is going to make it very hard on me once I go. Eve is right, he owns everyone and I will have to move far away to escape his reach. If he's pissed, I may need to go into hiding for a while until he cools off. Hopefully, at some point, Mark will release his hold on me.

Finishing up for the day, I take my briefcase and head home. I'm still trying to decide how to do this the correct way. It's probably more of a dream than reality, but maybe someday I'll have the balls to do the deed. For now, I will just get everything ready for my peace of mind.

It's March 24, in the middle of the night, when my phone rings. Looking at the clock, it's 4:00 in the morning and my first thought is Eve.

"Hello," I say nervously.

Waiting for Eve's voice, I think to myself, so help me God, if he hurt her again...

"Joe, I need you at the office ASAP. There was an oil spill tonight. The Valdez hit a reef while traveling through Prince William Sound. It ruptured the cargo tanks, and it is spilling oil fast. Joe, this is horrendous, and the cleanup is going to cost me millions if not more. I need you here now!" Mark yells.

Trying to wake up, I'm surprised by this because I've never heard him so upset or worried. This is a nightmare situation, but Mark is never shaken. Plus, he seems drunk, which has been happening occasionally.

"Yes, of course. I'm on my way, Mark. I will be there as quickly as I can." I reply, and Mark hangs up.

Christ, this is terrible and I have a feeling this is only going to get worse before it gets better. Shit, I better bring a change of clothes, maybe a few, I think to myself. God, the Valdez is a supertanker, and this is going to be a major disaster if it's as bad as Mark said.

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