Chapter 3: The Charge - Kevin

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Sitting here, in the elder's office, I know who he is talking to, but they are so cloak and dagger. The look on his face tells me I am going to be thrilled if this comes to pass. Taking a sip of my drink, I sit back and wait for all to be revealed. Today it will finally begin, my orders, my charge, and my destiny.

"Yes, I will Supreme ruler. As you wish, sir." He says as I await my instructions once he hangs up the phone.

My handler says, "Well, I have your orders. You need to move fast, but I think you're going to enjoy this one, Kevin."

I wait for him to say the words. This man is the governor of our state, and he is giving me the orders I've been waiting for all this time. I'm finally getting the mission that I've dreamed about since this all began.

There is a certain girl that will become my charge. My job is to make sure I protect her and that no harm comes to her. This is a very special woman, she's pure, and my job will be to see that she finds her way down the correct path.

He hands me the portfolio with her information inside, and I thank him for this new mission. Anticipation fills me as I take the large and rather thick envelope back to my room. I'm excited and also very anxious about my new role in this, even though it's something I've been working towards for a very long time. Each task I'm given takes me further up the ladder in the Community and this one is very important.

Reaching my desk, I grab the items I'll need and head to my new home for the next 4 years. Our people already had my credentials set, just in case Plan A failed, which I knew it would, with a little help. This was just going to be an observational detail for my partner and I was going to be brought in later to close the deal, but now they need me to start early.

Looks like their people have some skills, and they caught Miss Lina Yang red-handed. They brought in her to watch over Amelia as a favor to Miss Yang's father. He was looking to upgrade his membership. This man is already very high up in the Community, but now she will go back home to Japan where she belongs.

Time for me to do some damage control and pick up where Lina left off. I doubt they found my hidden cameras, which were added when they remodeled her room. This was my plan all along, but their people took care of my associate for me.

I'm always three steps ahead, if not more because this charge has been a long time coming. This has been planned out to the letter, as long as I keep my head focused on the endgame.

When I walk into my dorm room, everything is set and ready to go. I took the liberty and fixed my room up last week, just in case. This major operation took a lot of planning and I would not throw it all together at the last minute as my partner had done.

Turning on the equipment, I make sure everything is set and take a seat at my new hub. Then, while opening the metal prongs on the envelope, anticipation fills me. Sliding out the red folder, it's dense, and I am invigorated. As I look inside and see those beautiful eyes, I'm energized. She is stunning. They took these pictures recently, and she is quite magnificent up close. My shots were taken much further away and these will do nicely.

Once I read her file, I get rather excited by her thoughts and dreams. I'm like a kid in a candy store and there is so much information that I can't choose where to begin. Luckily, our people found her diary and my new charge is a very naughty girl. Of course, that has to do with us, more so than her. When she turned 15, we began pushing her towards a different lifestyle, unbeknownst to her.

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