Chapter 5: The Affair - Joe

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For the next few years, Mark awards my hard work with the company of Eve. She is treated like a prize for when I get the job done for her husband. There is even a scale to it, which I find sickening. If I bring in a new client, I am given Eve for an afternoon. When I close a merger, Eve is sent to me for a weekend. Once in a while, Mark has me take her out when he wants to get some free tail, which is his term, not mine.

It's wrong, but she begs me to free her as often as I can. I have a feeling Eve's husband keeps her under lock and key when she's home. That's why she gets so excited when I get her alone for a little while. Sometimes he gives her to me when he's out of town, and that's when I see Eve show her genuine feelings. Mark never tells her the truth, but she knows what he means. She must stay with him for some strange reason, but hell if I know why.

Lately, Mark's been acting like he does not even care about his wife anymore. Like she's a burden to him.

It's such a strange relationship, and totally one-sided. He treats her like garbage, and she refuses to leave him, so who's fault is that? Maybe Eve stays for the money, but that is not how I have ever seen her. She is not shallow; material things mean nothing to her, and Eve is purely candid.

It's the middle of the night and my phone rings. Looking at the clock, I see that it's 2:00 a.m. and I answer, "Hello.... Hello...."

Nothing, but then I hear breathing.

"Who is this?" I say and nothing again.

As I'm about to hang up, I hear someone crying and ask, "Deidre, is that you?"

When this woman begins to sob, it hits me. This is Eve.

"What's happening Eve? are you, okay, baby?" I say, and she cries even harder.

She whispers, "He hit me..."

I sit up in bed.

"I hurt Joe and... I'm dizzy. I passed out and I'm in pain all over." Eve says in a dazed tone. And now I'm furious, but also really worried.

Angrily I ask, "Where is he, Eve? Is Mark there at the house? What is happening, Eve?"

She doesn't answer.

Christ, now what do I do? How could he hit her? She is so small and fragile already. Eve was probably lonely and only wanted a little attention from the asshole. What is going on with him, and how could Mark beat her?

Eve says, "He left and went to Baltimore, Maryland, to go spend time with his new whore! Oh God, I think my nose is broken, Joe."

While she talks, I'm already up and half-dressed.

"Alright, I'm on my way. I will be there in 25 minutes, okay, sweetheart?" I say as she hangs up the phone.

Jesus, why would he do this to her?

I grab my coat and throw it on as I run out the door. Getting into my new Aston Martin, I pull out of the garage and fly down the road. Hopping onto the highway towards Pinerest Lake and the Roth Estate.

The car is fast, but with these icy March morning roads, I can only push it so far.

Pulling up to the house, the gates are open and the house looks so eerie with the fog. Plus, this morning there are no lights on outside the house. Normally they have it all lit up with the outdoor garden and house lights, but not today. This is not a social call. I'm here to save Eve from her abusive husband.

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