Chapter 7: The Question - Amy

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When I look around at this once glamorous club, the entire Vista is destroyed as though it rained crystal and fine china throughout the entire establishment. Plates are smashed, glasses shattered, and the beautifully adorned tables are all turned over. It's been a few hours since we were here last, yet it looks as though a tornado has gone through Beth's nightclub. We look at Jay and he seems just as alarmed. What could have happened here?

"Good God, where is Beth?" I yell.

Vin asks, "Where would she be? Maybe Beth left already...

"She has to be here. Liz takes a while to do inventory, so let's break off and find her!" Jay exclaims as Vin goes upstairs.

I check the bar area while Jay goes around back and Beth is nowhere to be found. We search the entire building from top to bottom and then meet back in the vestibule.

Seeing the look on his face I say, "Jay, call her phone, maybe she has gone home already and is safe."

Trying to calm myself down, he dials the number and we wait.

Hearing a sound, I turn around and we hear it ringing. The "Be Happy" ringtone is coming from the bar area.

I was just in there.

Stepping back through the archway, Jay calls it again because it went to voicemail. Her phone rings once more, and the sound is coming from behind the bar.

Running to the other side, I find it sitting there on the shelf.

"Great, she forgot her phone," I say while looking around.

At least she's not here, as far as we can tell. Picking it up, I see a new text message listed.

Beth would not mind me checking it, because of the circumstances. Maybe there is a clue as to what is happening around here.

I'm surprised when I see the subject line: "Amy Read"

"There is a text message for me!" I shout.

As I read it, the tears fall. Vin hops over the bar and grabs the phone from my shaking hand while wrapping his arm around me.

Amy Read:

We've got your friend and if you ever want to see her alive again, you need to bring us all the contents from the briefcase. We will text you with further instructions. Do not contact the police if you want her to live.

Quickly, I shout, "Oh God, you guys, she's been kidnapped! The caller comes up restricted. This is bad! They want all the evidence from the briefcase, and I left most of it back at my office. We need to go to Philadelphia!" I exclaim.

Jay's shocked. We all are, but they don't even know half of the story and how Beth is now messed up in my murder case.

Vin says, "Ok, let me process all of this for a moment."

Looking at the two of them, I feel terrible, because this is all my fault.

He continues, "I think we should take my plane to Philly, but I do not want to take the Escalade. Jacob, where is your Navigator?"

Jay looks up and says, "Mine is around back. I want to check Lizzy's apartment first. It's near to here and we can leave your SUV there. She has a guarded parking garage, so it will be safe inside. Also, I know the guys who work there and they know I'm her brother."

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