Chapter 13: The Masks Come Off - Amy

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Waiting for mom to answer me, she finally shakes her head no and gets all teary-eyed. My mind is racing as I try to understand what she's trying to tell me. Does this mean Donald is not my father? Or is she upset that I've finally figured out who Don was? That I'll never have time to know him, now that he's dead. Then she reaches over and holds my hand with a sad look on her face. I trying to read her emotions and this is making me very anxious.

Jack says, "Amy, everything we did was to keep you safe. Your mom and I kept things from you, over the years, because of all that has gone on in the past. Things you never knew about that changed our lives forever. It's been very hard on your mom, but we did what we both felt was right. Sweetheart, we did this to protect you, it was not to hide the truth or to lie to you."

That's fine, but this is something that they should have told me long before now. Knowing about my father is very important and if I'm in danger, then they should have told me this before now.

In a soft tone, Mom says, "I love you so much and once you hear the truth, I hope you'll forgive me."

With tears in her eyes, Jack grabs her hand and they both take a deep breath. My heart is in my throat and I just want an answer.

He looks deep into my eyes and says, "Amy, I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. When I held you in my arms the day you were born. Sweetheart, I never wanted to let you go, but I was forced to leave you and your mother behind. Baby girl, I have stayed hidden for far too long."

"Wait, what? No... No... What are you saying? Are you my dad? My real dad?" I shout and stand up as tears run down my face.

How can this be? Why didn't they tell me? All these years and he was right here with me all along?

"Yes Amelia, I am your dad and I'm so sorry we kept the truth from you all this time. We had to keep you safe, and no one could know that I am Joseph Whitney. If they did, we would all be in a lot of danger. There are people out there watching you. They have been keeping tabs on you, from the moment you were taken from your mom all those years ago. It's hard to explain, but there are two groups of people out there, at least..." He states and I just can't comprehend all Jack or... Joe or... What my dad is trying to say.

I ask, "Wait... I don't understand. You are my dad and there are people after me? Why?"

"Yes, one group is protecting us and the other is up to no good, we believe. At first, I thought they were after me, but I was wrong. They seem to keep track of you and your mom, as well. I don't know what they want or who they work for, but these people want to know where the two of you are at all times." He states.

I look at my dad, and I have no words. Mom is upset, she's worried and watching to see all our reactions to this news. Dad keeps glancing over to Vin and Jay. But they would never hurt me.

She explains, "I'm so sorry Amy, please forgive me, baby. We thought it was the only way to protect you and when you got older, we didn't know how to tell you. Your dad and I talked about explaining all this to you, but then we worried that telling the truth would put you in even more danger. Sweetheart, you had such a good relationship with Jack, you treated him like he was your dad already, and we didn't want to ruin that either. Your father and I love you so much, honey, please forgive us."

Jack looks at me with tears in his eyes. I just can't get my mind around all of this. I'm angry, but I love them both so much. There are so many emotions going through my mind that I'm not sure what to say or do with all of this information.

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