Chapter 18: Don't Stray - Kevin

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Waking up, I am in my old bed at the Community house. Two masked people are standing over me, and I am confused. One of which must be Dominus. And he says nothing, but I feel very uneasy. The man standing next to him is masked as well, so I do not know his identity yet. Realizing that I'm unmasked, I look at him and wonder what he is thinking right now. This is the first time he's seen me up close, so I watch and wait for his reaction. Are they going to bring me in front of the council?

"Kevin, do you know what has happened?" Dominus asks.

It's obvious I do not, but he's here and I'm in trouble. Feeling dizzy and nauseous, I feel like vomiting.

Jesus, I'm going to puke. Wait, where is Amy?

I look up as the memory of that moment hits me hard.

"Amy! Where is Amelia?" I ask as it all comes flooding back.

Dominus answers, "She was taken by a member of the Society last night. They helped her escape, and she contacted the police. Amelia will have a restraining order against you, and she is no longer in your charge. You may not see her and she will be given to another for training."


Looking at the ceiling, he adds, "Kevin, you should have taken better care of her and protected the pure one from this intruder. This was your job, and you failed. The man knocked you out cold and drugged you, but why didn't you wait for Butch?"

Looking at him, I don't know what to say as I rub my forehead.

He adds, "Son, you've been asleep for two days."

Glancing up at him, I'm so confused and shocked by this.


"We will have to start all over again and find another way to watch our queen because they even found your surveillance equipment. The only good thing, out of all of this, is that she has been trained. You could finish that part of your assignment, at least." He states.

"Yes sir, I am sorry," I answer, gritting my teeth while rubbing my head.

It's over, she is gone and Amy will hate me for the rest of her life. Nothing went as planned tonight, and I've lost her.

Glaring up at him, I blame him.

You did this. Dominus ruined everything by constantly inspecting her and it's all his fault she was taken, not mine. We should have been highly secured on the grounds, so how did a Society member make their way up to the house. Plus, he was waiting next to my car? This all seems very farfetched and I have a feeling Dominus wanted it this way. But why?

He then states, "Oh, and Kevin, we got your blood work back. You tried to pull one over on me, didn't you, boy?"

He leans down and looks directly into my eyes.


"I know who you are, and your little secret is out in the open now. This is my empire and you will have to answer for this ruse." Dominus says sternly as I try to think of an out.

The two of them walk out and I'm told to stay here in my room. They are treating me like a small child who has been grounded for misbehaving.

A week has gone by since I've been locked in my room, and now I've been ordered to join the meeting this evening. Part of me thinks the worst. He does not like to be played and now I've been exposed. The way we left things, Dominus wanted me to stay away from the members, these gatherings, yet here I am, back in the great hall.

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