Chapter 12: Don't Fall - Kevin

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Dan wants to know all about Amelia. I'd rather not discuss her with him, but they will meet soon enough. Looking at this guy, he's waiting for my answer, and I smirk.

"Well, she is beautiful, smart, funny, and sexy as hell. I'll admit, I am stunned by how well the elixirs are working on her. Watching her dream is such a turn on and then, actually being with her is magnificent. I'm one lucky son of a bitch, but seeing how far she will go, will take work. Amelia runs everything past her friend and as long as Beth's okay with it, she is alright too. Hey, have you heard about Tim Donaldson?" I ask, and Dan shakes his head.

Dan shakes his head. So I state, "He's out and not coming back, so it would be nice if someone would take Beth on for a while, stretch her legs a little to give me some time alone with my charge. Plus, I will need help later on with Amelia's training."

He nods at that and smiles. Dan knows I'm asking him for help and it's not like this will be working.

He replies, "Hey bud, it's no problem. I could take a run at her and see if Miss Goodwin responds to me. It will be hard with me in Syracuse and her in Baltimore, but we have access to the plane, so it could work."

Nodding at him, he continues by saying, "I will ask my elder and see if he would be alright with our idea."

I think that would work out great and mine is already on board. I could call Dan in when Beth needs to get out of my hair. Then he could go back to Calvin when I no longer need him to cover me. After that, my friend can help me prepare Amy as well, for what I need to do.

"You know, that would work out perfectly. I could say you're my cousin and call you to come to Penn State when I need Beth out of the way. Yes, talk to him tonight and let me know if they are okay with this alternative plan." I say, and Dan nods as he finishes his beer.

"Attention... Attention... All members please join us in the meeting hall." The man over the PA system says.

We all get up and walk out into the lobby. Each one of us takes a plain black mask as we head into the gathering while putting on our robes. The meeting room was once a ballroom. It is huge, and this is where we have hosted all of our assemblies.

Once inside, I notice that again the room has been painted and there are new red velvet chairs and wrought iron light fixtures. Strange that this has all taken place within the past month since I've been gone.

"Please take a seat in the chairs located around the room. The meeting will begin in five minutes." A man says as we all find a seat and wait for this all to begin.

When the doors shut, all are inside and seated. We are asked to be quiet. No one speaks. A few members clear their throats, a couple of coughs, but it's silent in here and there must be at least 60 to 80 men inside the hall tonight.

Looking up front, where the hierarchy normally sits, we all notice the new throne, sitting on an altar. I think we have all come to the same conclusion; the Superior is here, and that's why they had all the extra security.

"All rise for his honor... The Superior of our Clan, the grandmaster of the high council." One elder says, and we all stand.

I'll admit I am shocked that he's here and wonder if the Superior will want to speak with me regarding Amy's progress so far. I'm a little nervous to speak with him, if it comes to pass, because he may figure out my secret.

We all continue to clap as he walks out on stage. Our leader is wearing a gold full-face mask and red robes, but his are detailed in gold. He walks in and takes his seat on the throne as the other six hierarchies walk in and take theirs as well. They are also wearing gold masks, but 2 have green cloaks, 2 are in red and the last 2 are in black. As they take their seats on either side of The Superior, we all know that something is going down tonight. I just pray they have not figured out my plan.

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