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We are really busy back in Korea and PDnim wanted  to talk to me.

"Hello Y/N. Please sit down."
"Hello Pdnim." I sit down infront of his desk and wait for him to start talking.
"We have a new singer here for the next two months. He is from The US but lives in Seoul right now and I want you to work with him on your solo projects."
I look surprised and excited. "Wow, cool! Who is it? When will he arrive?"
PDnim points to the door which is opening shortly after.
"He is already here. You two can start right now."
I look to the door and my mouth drops open.

It's is Kim Woosung from "The Rose"!He walks towards me and I stand up to shake his hand

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It's is Kim Woosung from "The Rose"!
He walks towards me and I stand up to shake his hand. We bow and I can feel my face turning red.
"H-hello. My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you. I am a big fan of your music."
He smiles at me and says "Oh thank you. My name is Woosung. I really like your music and dance as well."
PDnim comes to me and lays his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay with this Y/N?"
"I am VERY okay with this!" I say and wont stop shaking Woosung's hand.
Both PDnim and Woosung laugh at my nervousness . I notice it, let go of his hand and blush again.
"Oh... I am sorry. Hihi" I roll my eyes at my own actions. What the hell was that laugh?! I never laugh like that.
He is just too cute.

Woosung and I go right in the studio and I show him the song I have so far.
"I would really like to keep the vibe of this song through out my minialbum." I tell him.
"I love it. It sounds great. Do you have a dance to this song?"
"Ugh yes, do you want to see it?"
"Yes please. Can you show me now?"
"I think we can go to the practice room right now." We go to the dance studio and walk in.

We are laughing really hard at a joke he tolde me

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We are laughing really hard at a joke he tolde me. I lean onto him because it was so funny, I can't stand right. I immediatly stop laughing as soon as I notice Jin and Yoongi looking at us confused.
"Oh hi! I didn't know somebody was here."
They look at Woosung confused and I introduce them.
"We are almost done here. Right Yoongi?"
"Yes..." Yoongi says in a very cold tone.

He looks at Woosung from top to bottom

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He looks at Woosung from top to bottom.
Woosung gives him a straight unimpressed look back.
Yoongi passes him and walks out of the door without saying anything.
Jin leaves as well but hugs me goodbye.

"Wow! That Yoongi guy is so fucking jealous."
"I don't know why he is acting like that lately. He is my best friend but his clingyness gets annoying."
"I mean I get why he gets jealous over you." He comes a step closer. My heartbeat increases immediatly. I can even feel his breath on my face.
I am feeling way to turned on by this right now.
"Do you want to show me your dance now?"
I just nod and walk over to the music station. I turn on my music and perform my dance infront of him.
I am done and out of breath when he comes over to me while clapping.
"You can move really well." He puts his hands on my hips and turns me around to face him.
Our lips almost touch when I turn away and say "We can't do that!"
"Why not? I can feel you want it."
He leans in to kiss me and I kiss him back. It is wrong but feels so right.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now