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Back home in Seoul after we finished our asia concerts, I talked with my stylist and she actually agreed on dyeing my hair. My long black hair becomes colorful how I wanted it.

I yell out to my band members in our home "Guys! I dyed my hair! Look!"Jimin comes down first

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I yell out to my band members in our home "Guys! I dyed my hair! Look!"
Jimin comes down first.
"Woah! It looks good. You look so cute with this."
"Thank you Jiminie."
The rest of the boys come downstairs to look.
Jin says "Ha! I knew some color would look great on you."
The others agree and Yoongi touches my hair. "You look really beautiful." He kisses my cheek.
I blush and smile.
"Okay, enough with the compliments! Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi, we need to record the new rapline song. Let's go!" I clap in my hands and we leave to work.

We arrive at the bighit building and walk in the elevator. Before the door could close someone yells "Hold the door open please!"
I hold the door and Woosung comes running in.
"Hi Y/N. Hello guys." He bows to us and walks in.
"Wow, Y/N. You look stunning." He touches my hair and smiles at me.

" He touches my hair and smiles at me

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"Ah... Thank you." I say a little uncomfortable because Yoongi stands behind me.
I can feel his stare in my bones. I turn around and see all three boys look annoyed.

Woosung asks me "When do you have time to help me with my back up vocals?" I hesitate to answer him because Yoongi doesn't know that I am still working with Woosung

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Woosung asks me "When do you have time to help me with my back up vocals?"
I hesitate to answer him because Yoongi doesn't know that I am still working with Woosung.
"I am pretty busy today but maybe tomorrow?"
"Okay. I'll give you a call." He winks at me and leaves the elevator on the second floor.
Yoongi looks mad but I try to ignore him.

Our recording session is a little tough because there is a weird tension between Yoongi and me. He doesn't talk to me at all accept for  when I make a mistake.
"No! You missed the beat again!" Yoongi sighs.
Hobi defends me "She did it right the first 50 times. It sounds good."
"I am not satisfied with her part." Yoongi says annoyed.
I yell out "Oh you are just mad because of Woosung!"
"Why are you still working with this douche!?"
Namjoon stops Yoongi "Leave her alone. Pdnim still wants them to work with each other. It's non of your business."
Yoongi bites the inside of his cheeks and says "Y/N, one more time from the chorus." I roll my eyes and do it all over again.

It's already night when we leave the studio. I walk next to Yoongi and I want to hold his hand but he pulls away. I roll my eyes at him and go to Namjoon and Hobi to link our arms.
"I am hungry, can we go eat something?" I ask them.
"I am hungry too. I would like to have some Japchae." Hobi says.
Yoongi who walkes infront of us turns around and says "I am going home. I am tired."
I tell him "Okay. Do whatever you want." He leaves and Hobi, Namjoon and I go in a korean restaurant and we have some Soju and Makkoli.
"The Soju tastes really good today. Do you guys want to go to a bar after eating?" I ask them.
Namjoon answers me "Sure, we worked hard today. We deserve it."

So we go to a bar and have some drinks. And some more drinks.

"Namjoooo, do you have a twwin because I can see you two times." I giggle at my own joke and boop his cute nose.
We laugh and Hobi says "I tink we ould go to bed now. Itz prtty late."
"Okayyy, I want to cuddle my Yoongi. But he s mad at meee..." I pout.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now