Run Bts!

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We are driving to a for us, closed down amusement park.
We will shoot a Run Bts episode.
Jhope and I are already feeling sick because we don't like rollercoasters and scary stuff like that. We all have to stand next to each other and we will be sorted into four teams.
"Jimin and RM. Jin and Taehyung. Suga and Jungkook and Y/N and Jhope." Tells us our producer.
Jhope and I protest. "It's not fair to put us two in a team. We are both really bad with things like that. We have zero chances of winning if we are a team."
The producer thinks and says "But this would be so much more fun. *sigh* Okay you are right. It wouldn't be fair. Y/N pairs with Jin and Jhope with Taehyung.
Jin yells "Yah! Y/N is so bad she will drag me down!" I walk over to him and snip my finger on his forehead.
"Au! And see, she is mean too." He snickers.
I laugh and walk back to my original spot.
Our producer tells us the rules "The pair who has ridden the most attractions will win. The questions are hidden in the park and there will be points on that questions. You have to guess the question right, in order to ride the attraction. Only of you do both, you can receive the points. The pair with the most points will win a day off with all the things they like."

Everybody is excited for the price and Jin tells me "Yah Y/N. Don't you dare mess this up for me."
I look mad and say "Maybe I am the quiz champion and know all the questions." I tell him sassy.
"A staff member will be with you who tells you if it is right or wrong."

"1,2,3 Go!"

We run towards the attractions where the amusement park staff is waiting for us.
Jin and I run towards a water slide and look for a question.
"You look over there, I look here!" Jin yells.
"I have one!" I yell and run back to Jin.
I read out loud "Which ocean surrounds the Maldives? HA! I know this."
"Great, because I don't."
"It's the Indian ocean."
"That is correct." Tells us our staff member.
Jin and hold hands and jump up and down. "Okay we now have to ride that stupid water thing." I say and walk there with lots of fake confidence.
We sit in the slide and my heart is beating so fast and my palms sweat. The ride starts and I scream and grab Jins hand.
"Ew your hand is sweaty." Jin says jokingly.
I don't care and hold his hand tighter until the ride is over.
I walk out and I am super pale and I feel a little sick.
Jungkook and Suga walk in our direction and Yoongi says to me "Ew. What happend to your face. You look aweful." He and Jungkook laugh at me.
I roll my eyes and drag Jin with me to the next attraction.

The time is over and we go back to our original spot.
Our producer announces the winners "Last place is Jhope and Taehyung who had a total of 17 points. Next up is Y/N and Jin who have 24 points. Second place is Jimin and Rm with 28 points. And our first place is Suga and Jungkook with 39 points. Congratulations!"
We applaud and I go to hug Jungkook and Suga.
Yoongi whispers in my ear "I want to spend my day off with you in bed. That is all I want."
I smile and blush a little.

We wrap up the episode up and drive back home to have dinner.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now