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"Yoongi... Please talk to me." I cup his cheeks but he turns his face away.
He stands up and walks to the door but I am faster, so I block his way.
"Leave me alone Y/N. I am tired of this. " he says in a monotone voice.
I start to cry and say "Why are you doing this to me?! *sniff*"
"Why am I doing this to YOU?! Are you kidding me? Are you really that dumb?" He grabs my wrists and holds them so thight, that my hands turn red.
Suddenly I can feel his lips on mine and his tears on my cheeks. After 3 seconds or so, he let's go of me and leaves the room without saying a word.
I stand there dumbfounded and crying. My brain never has been as confused as in this moment.
"Yoongi..." *sniff*

In the following week Yoongi and I didn't speak a word with each other. My heart broke into a million peaces everytime I saw him. I tried talking with him a couple of times but I gave up soon. He won't even look at me.

We have a concert today and I think our fans notice a weird tension between us.
I have a lot of fun on stage with the other members but I never walk close to Yoongi. It is our last concert for this year so we get a little emotional at the end. Everybody thanks our fans for their support and love.
The big screen suddenly shows my face and the fans yell "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!...."
I try to talk but my voice breaks sometimes while I speak.
"I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything. I hope, that the next year will be as awesome as this one, or even better. And I want to keep my friends close to me. I made a mistake, and the most important person in my live, slipped away and I want to pull him closer but I can't. He won't let me and this breaks my heart. I never felt this pain in my life before and I want that pain to end. *sniff* I am sorry for telling you all of this. We will figure this out somehow. Everything will be okay. I love you guys. Don't worry."
I look over to Yoongi who hasn't really spoken the whole concert.

The big screen is now showing Yoongi crying and the whole stadium goes "Awwwwweeee" Yoongi still doesn't say anything but he has looked at me at the end, so maybe he listend and understood what I meant

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The big screen is now showing Yoongi crying and the whole stadium goes "Awwwwweeee"
Yoongi still doesn't say anything but he has looked at me at the end, so maybe he listend and understood what I meant.
We walk off stage and Yoongi now walks next to me.

Yoongi suddenly pulls me into an empty room.
It is dark in there and I can't see anything but I can feel him hugging me tight.
Tears start falling down our faces and he won't let go of me.
"I am sorry...." he says.
"I am sorry too. *sniff* I missed you so bad." I dig my face into his neck.
Yoongi loosens up our hug and tells me "The reason why I went off like that is... *sigh* shit Y/N. I fell in love with you. "
My eyes widen and I pull him back into a hug. Yoongi says "I know we can't be together officially but,...            I want you. I want you so bad  Y/N."
"You are right. We can't. And... I have to tell you something..."
"I had a talk with Pdnim... he wants me to date... but, he wants me to date Woosung.... to help him with his carrier..." Yoongi backs off. "Are you serious?" He says with anger and sadness in his eyes.
"I don't want to date him either... He is a whore."
"You must know..."
I look at him annoyed. "Why can't we be in one room anymore without fighting?!"

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now