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They brought me home and after like an hour I can hear the door open.

"We are home!" Jin yells.
I am in my room crying and drinking vodka. I locked my door so they would leave me alone.
I can hear Jimin yelling "Y/N!? Are you there?"
I hear them yelling and looking for me. Someone tries to open my door. I am extremly drunk at that point. I tried to go to the door but fell against the nightstand. A loud bang is heard and Jungkook yells "Y/N!!!!" He tries to open my door forcefully but he can't.
"Does anybody have another key for this door!!?" He yells.
I can stand up and walk to the door to open it.
As soon as the door opens 7 Bts members storm into my room.
I fall on my knees and start sobbing.
I think I never cried so hard in my entire life. Yoongi and Hobi sit next to me to check if I am hurt or bleeding.  Jungkook lifts me up and lays me on my bed after they made sure I am not hurt.
"What happend?! We heard there were some drama but we weren't allowed to leave." Namjoon says.
I am crying and start drinking again from my vodka bottle but Jin yeets it out of my hands. "Are you crazy!? How much did you drink?!" Jin asks concerned and angry.
I can't get any words out. The only thing I can do right now is crying.
Yoongi holds me tight and Jimin, Jin and Hobi sit on the bed next to me, the others stand around the bed.
"Can you leave us alone right now?" Yoongi asks the others and they agree.

I cried for hours in Yoongis arms before I could close my eyes and sleep.

I wake up the next morning and Yoongi is still holding me tight in his sleep. I wiggle myself out to use the bathroom.
I even slept in my dress from yesterday.
I do my morning routine to look somewhat okay before I walk down the stair to get some fresh air in our garden.
To reach the back garden, I have to go though our living room and I am hoping the others are still asleep.
I walk into the living room and six boys who sit on the couch stare at me.
I look at them for a couple of seconds before I try to run out there as soon as possible but Namjoon is holding me back. "What happend yesterday?" I don't answer him so he says "Pdnim wants to talk with all of us today. Is it because of yesterday?"
I don't answer him once again and walk past him to the garden.

We sit in our bosses office and Namjoon is wiggling his legs because he is nervous of what is about to happen.
Pdnim speaks up "I want to tell you that Y/N has caused my company a lot of problems lately. She does not cooperate and after what happend yesterday, my decicion is final.
Y/N Y/L/N is not a Bts member anymore and I will quit her contract with big hit entertainment."
"WHAT?!" Everybody yells while I am just crying.

Namjoon stands up and says "What happend?! Why are you quitting her  contract?!"Yoongi sits there in shock and the others have stood up as well to protest

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Namjoon stands up and says "What happend?! Why are you quitting her  contract?!"
Yoongi sits there in shock and the others have stood up as well to protest.
Pdnim starts to explain what happend yesterday and Jin says "So she found out about you concidering to quit her contract and that is why she freaked out?" "Yes"
"That is a very normal reaction to that I would say." Jin says.
"How are we explaining that to our fans?! You can't do that!" Yells Taehyung with a shaking voice.
Pdnim interrupts them "Stop it! This is my decicion. I don't want to have a crazy woman in my company."
Yoongi jumps up and yells "Hey! Don't say that about her!" Pdnim yells back "Don't talk with me like that!"
Namjoon says "Can we two talk  under four eyes?" Pdnim agrees and everybody including me are waiting outside the office.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now