The next day

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I went home after Woosung fucked my brain out. I went to bed because we have dance training tomorrow. I wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
"Holy fuck!" My neck is full with dark purple hickeys. How am I going to hide this?!

I decide to wear a scarf and just tell my bad members I have a sore throat

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I decide to wear a scarf and just tell my bad members I have a sore throat.

I am walking in to our dance practice room, where everybody was already waiting.
I see Jungkook playing with his phone in the corner of the room. I sit next to him and we wait for the practice to begin
Yoongi comes closer and helps me up. "How was it yesterday?"he asks and I stand there in pure shock.
How does he know what I did yesterday?!
Yoongi looks at me confused and asks again "How was it yesterday? Did you work on a new song?"
"Ahhh, yes we did. It was great." I say and go to the other side of the room.

Dance practice begins and I am sweating like crazy. I hate that dumb scarf.
"Aren't you hot Y/N?" Namjoon asks me.
"Oh no. I am fine."
Yoongi comes to me and tucks on my scarf.
"Why are you still wearing that scarf? It is way to warm in here for that."
I also pull on my scarf and tell him" My throat hurts and that helps. Thank you, I am fine." I walk away from Yoongi.
We practice our dance and after half an hour Yoongi stormes over again and pulls my scarf off of me.
"Hey!" I yell at him.
He looks down on my neck with angry eyes.

"Did that asshole do that to you?!" Everybody stares at us

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"Did that asshole do that to you?!"
Everybody stares at us.
"So what if he did?!" I ask with all my curage.
"He is so dead!" Yoongi yells and stormes out of the room.
"NO! Stop that MIN FUCKING YOONGI!" I run after him and I try to hold him back but he is too strong for me.
I scream with tears in my eyes.
He stands in the hallway and Bts followed us.
I ask Yoongi with a now calmer voice. "Can we talk?"
He turns to me grabs my hand very agressivly and drags me into his studio. I am a little scared because it is perfectly soundproof in there.

He stands with his back facing me. I am a little scared to start the conversation but I want to talk to him so I say "Can you please tell me what is going on with you lately?"
He turns around and asks "Since when are you a whore now?!"
"Excuse me?!" I yell back at him.
"Are you doing things like that often behind my back?!" Yoongi looks so angry.
"Behind your back?! How is this behind your back?! Am I asking you how often you sleep with some girl!?"
"I don't fuck around anymore! But looks like you do!"
I take a step closer to him. He doesn't even look at me anymore. I lift his chin and see tears falling from his face.

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Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now