Heartbroken 💔

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After like half an hour Namjoon walks out of Pdnims office and speaks "You don't get kicked out. I told him that if he throws you out, we will leave his company as well."
I stand up and hug Namjoon tight. "Thank you so much. I couldn't imagine a better leader than you."
Namjoon hugs me back and says "Pdnim is not well. I should tell you all about it so we can take care of   him. "
Everybody looks confused.
"Is he sick?" J-hope asks concerned.
Namjoon tells us to go in our studio to talk about it.

We close the door of our studio behind us and Namjoon explains.
"There is a reason why Pdnim is like that to Y/N. He had been cheated on by his now exgirlfriend. He is heartbroken and he got moodswings because of that. Man, he wanted to marry her. He talked about her with so much love in his heart and she just stumpt on it with both feet. And when Y/N told him she doesn't want to be with Woosung, he thought women are all the same and she will become unloyal to this company someday. He admitted he overreacted to throw her out of our group and company."

I feel really bad now for not doing ,what he told me to do but I can't play that stupid game with Woosung much longer. But I have to try. To make Pdnim feel better. So he can trust me again.
"Ohhh... Did he tell you want he wants me to do from now on?" I ask.
"You should talk with him about it. Maybe right now."
I nod and go over to Pdnims office and knock on his door.
"Come in!" And I walk in and sit down.
"Pdnim... I am sorry for not doing what you told me to. I am sorry for freaking out at that event yesterday. I am sorry for embarressing you with my actions. I will do anything to stay in this company. Bts is my family." I bow a couple of times to him.
"I am sorry as well. You were right that this dating thing was not good for Bts. I thought if you leave Bts, the hate would stop. I honestly didn't think straight at that moment. I didn't think through the consiquences of you leaving. I am sorry."
He stands up and gives me a hug which I give back to him.
"I think we should tell the world Woosung and you split up."
I look at him and smile. "Thank you."

Right after the announcement of breaking up with Woosung twitter goes wild.


Vkook4ever: "Is this because of Suga? They were acting kinda weird lately."

ChimChim7: "That relationship was so fake! Have you seen that interview from last week at the red carper? Y/N hated being there with Woosung. She lied about being in love!"

Ipurpleyou: "Look at that picture of Suga looking over to Woosung and    Y/N. I am sure they are a thing.

Wwhjin: "I am more of a Y/N and Jhope shipper

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Wwhjin: "I am more of a Y/N and Jhope shipper. They are so funny together."

Purplehearts: "A week ago she said how in love she is and now they broke up. I smell bullshit."

I read some of the comments and they wrote exactly what I expected. Armys are not dumb. Of course they know something was very fishy about all of that but I hope everything will go back to normal.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now