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I stand in the kitchen and make breakfast with Jin and Hobi.
We are making pancakes and I cut the bananas. "AUUU!" I yell and hold my hand to my body. The knife slipped away and directly in my hand. Blood is running down my hand and on my tummy because I am holding my hand that way.
"Y/N... *sigh* why? Are you okay?" Jin asks.
Suddenly Yoongi comes running down the stairs into the kitchen.
"What happend?!" He looked at me and says "Who the fuck gave Y/N a knife?! You know she is clumsy!"
He looks at my hand and gets me a chair to sit down.
"I am a little dizzy." I tell them with a pale face.
"I call an ambulance." Says Hobi but I yell "No! Don't!"
Jin gets me tissues to stop the bleeding. I must have cut a bigger blood vessel because it is bleeding pretty strong.
I am fainting. My blood pressure is always pretty low that is why I often faint due to injuries or the sight of disgusting things.

I wake up on the couch with Yoongi holding my feet up. A doctor tells me "Hello, my name is Dr. Lee. You cut pretty deep so I had to stitch it up but it will heal soon. Take care and don't stand up to soon. You need to come to let me take out the stiches in 5 days. I told the others when and where. Good bye." He stands up and leaves.
Yoongi and the others look worried but I tell them "I am fine." Yoongi sighs and lets go of my feet. He sits next to my head and runs his cold finger on my forehead and hair. "mmmmh" comes from me. He knows I like that a lot.
"Why are you so clumsy?" He smiles at me. He signals the other members to leave and they do.
He lays down next to me.

How come he is so beautiful

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How come he is so beautiful. I can suddenly feel tears falling down my cheeks. "Why are you crying?" Yoongi asks calmly.
I pull myself up and lay on top of him.
We stare into each others eyes and I lean closer to him.
"W-what are you doing?"
I ignore him and kiss his perfect mouth. How did I never realize how perfect he is. I kiss him again and I got a really weird feeling in my tummy. A feeling I have never felt before.
Yoongi kisses me back and holds me by my hips. "Au!" I yell because I leaned on my freshly wounded hand.
Yoongi laughs at me and turns me over so I dont have to use my hand to hold me up.
"For how long will you date that asshole?" Yoongi asks with a mad undertone.
"I am not really dating him. And I don't know when I will be free from this torture."
"You are mine and no one is allowed to touch you. Have you got that?" Yoongi is holding me tight and I like his dominance.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
You are my girlfriend and no other guy is allowed to touch you but me."
I nod my head yes and kiss his lips again and again and again, until Hobi comes in and says "Jesus! Guys! Get a room. Seriously." He shakes his head, grabs some fruit and leaves.
We look at him and laugh.
I cuddle into Yoongis chest like I always did but it feels better this time.

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now