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I decided to talk with PDnim about Woosung's and my "relationship".
I asked him for a meeting and he agreed.
I walk into his office and start talking.
"Pdnim... May I make a suggestion about my official dating life?"
"What is it?" He asks with a curious voice.
"I think it would be best for my band members and me to stop this dating thing with Woosung. We are receiving so much more hate because of this, especially me. Woosung isn't even a member of this company. Why are we boosting his carrier?"
Pdnim looks at me furious and says "Miss Y/N. This is MY company and I want it that way. If you aren't okay with how things go, you can leave anytime!"
I look at him shocked "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you, but..."
"No buts! Play by the rules or leave. You decide."
I stand up, bow to him and leave the room.
Yoongi is waiting for me outside the office door.
I'm storming out of the office and run past Yoongi.
"Wait! What happend?"
He grabs my arm and asks me again "Tell me what happend."
I tell him with tears in my eyes. "Pdnim never talked like that before. I don't know why he got so mad so quickly." *sniff*
Suddenly Woosung comes around the corner and smiles at me.
"Hi beautiful. Why are you crying?"
He comes closer to me but Yoongi pushes him away. "Non of your business! Back off!"
"Chill bro." He holds his hands up.
"I am not your bro!"
Woosung smiles and says "Haha. Fine okay. But can you not touch my girlfriend with your filthy little hands?"
Suddenly Yoongi tries to hit his face. I back off because I do not want to get hit. Woosung hits Yoongi in the stomach and then in the face.
I run to get security. I return to them with help and they are still hitting each other. The guys from security hold them back and try to calm the situation down.
Yoongi yells at Woosung "You fucking asshole! Touch her one more time and you are dead!" Woosung just laughs and yells back "I would love to see that!"
The one security guy carries Yoongi in a empty changing room and I follow them.
"Please calm down Yoongi. You scared me." I try to hold his hand but he pulls it back. "I hate that dude so much!U
Ugh!" I lift Yoongis chin up to see his wounds.

He even bleeds from his mouth

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He even bleeds from his mouth. "Jesus Yoongi! What are you doing? We need to call a doctor." I look at him closer to check on him. He pulls me into a hug. The security guy leaves the room to leave us in privacy.
"I can't see you with him. It drives me insane. Why did you let him touch you?" *sigh*

Female Bts member (You As The 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now