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Yoongi has to stay home for the next 2 weeks so nobody sees his bruised face. The wounds heal good and I love to cuddle with him as soon as I get home.

"Yoongi! We are home! We brought pizza!" I yell in our seemingly empty home.
There is no responds so I take one pizza with me and go to his room.
I walk in and see him sleeping on the bed. He sleeps like a bear and I decide to tease him a little.
I put the Pizza on the night stand and lay next to him.
He really is deep into dream land when he suddenly starts to moan.
I have to hold back my laughter to not wake him up.
"Ughhh... Y/N...Oh god.." he mumbles and I carefully remove his blanket to see if he is hard. I rub my hands together to have warm hands and I start massaging his hard member. "Fuck...Uhhh" I have a bright smile on my face hearing him moan. I start to pump his dick when I can feel his hands run through my hair. He has woken up and he is clearly enjoying my little surprise. He grabs my arm and pulls me up to his face to lay on his body. We look at each other intensly and start kissing. "I missed you jagiya. Did you miss me?" He says still a little sleepy. "Of course I missed you. I missed your nose *kisses nose*, I missed your cheeks *kisses cheeks and I missed your lips *kisses lips*. I missed your everything."
He laughs cutely. "Why are you so cheesy?"
"You asked for it." I go back to kiss his lips but a little bit more intense than before.
He holds my face to control the kiss and I rub my leg on his hard penis. I can hear his soft moans which turn me so on.
Yoongi reaches in my pants and grabs my ass a little harsh. He flips us over, what surprised me. Yoongi is kissing on my neck and is looking for my sweet spot. I start to moan at a certain spot and he says "I think I found it." He helps me fully undress. He smirks at me and kisses on that spot a little more before he kisses his way down to my breast, my tummy and then my center. He spreads my legs, what made me gasp. Yoongi softly blows on my already wet pussy and I get really impacient. "Please!"
Yoongi keeps on teasing me with soft kisses down there and I start whining in frustration. He then puts his mouth on my center and starts licking my folds slowly.

I can feel him putting one finger in me and soon after a second one. I am moaning because it feels great and he knows it. He pumps his fingers in and out of me while licking and sucking on my clit. "Fuck Yoongi...*moan*"
I squeeze his fingers with my walls because I can feel I am coming soon. He notices it and does everything he does harder. I release my orgasm on his fingers a couple of seconds later.
He licks me clean and I lick his fingers clean.
He undresses as well and places his hard member on my pussy.
He pushes in and I gasp because he is so big. "Are you okay?" he asks and I nod my head yes. "Fuck you are so big." He smiles and starts to move slowly at first but that doesn't last long. He increases his speed enormly fast and I can't stop moaning and digging my nails into his back. His face shows, that he is in pain and I let go of his back. "I am sorry." I apologize but he says "Don't worry. I like it." I smile and kiss him with passion, lust and love. I swear I never felt this good in my life.
He suddenly twitches in me and starts moaning pretty loud.
He pumps in me at an enormous speed with now uneven thrusts. "Fuck, Y/N! I am coming!" I clench my walls onto him to make his orgasm more intense. He lays on me with his whole weight as he releases his orgasm in me.
"Ughhh! Shit!" He stays in that position for a little while until he pulls out of me.
He looks in my eyes and kisses me. He closes his eyes while still laying on me.
"Can you not suffocate me please." I laugh and he holds his weight up a little. "I am sorry." He smiles at me.
"I brought pizza." I tell him.

We are watching movies and eating pizza for the rest of the evening. 


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