Welcome Back to Seabrooke!

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Hey! Name's Zed and yup, I'm still a zombie. A lot has changed over the summer though. Humans, Zombies, and Werewolves have all learned to live together peacefully. That's right, I said Werewolves.

Before school let out for the summer, a pack of Werewolves made their way into Seabrooke. Which may or may not have been partially my fault because I accidentally caused the cheer camp bus to crash into the forbidden forest.

In my defense, I was setting up the best Zombie Prawn-posal in Seabrooke history. Anyway, the Werewolves came to Sebrooke and they believed Addison was their Great Alpha.

Boy were they wrong. I would love Addison no matter what, but I'm glad she wasn't a Werewolf. That Wyatt guy really gets on my nerves.

But despite our differences, the Humans and Zombies teamed up and helped the Werewolves stop the demolition at the power plant. Except, the remote control short circuited and the whole thing blew up.

Now the werewolves were getting sick and I still couldn't go to Prawn because the monster laws were still in effect. That's when I decided to visit the werewolves and apologize for my behavior. It took a while, but I realized we are all monsters and we're all fighting for the same thing.

So after telling them my plan, the werewolves and zombies dressed up and headed to Prawn. Bucky tried to get in our way but a warning growl from Willa was all it took for him to back down.

I finally got my dance and my first kiss with Addison. And to make things even better, a fault line opened up and together we were able to retrieve the werewolves moonstone. And your boy Z saved the day by going zombie and unblocking the entrance.

So yeah, with the werewolves and zombies proving themselves once again, the laws were removed.

Now school is starting up again and I can't wait to get back on the football field. And with Addison as cheer Captain, we're going to have the best support ever while we're on the field. So yeah, life is looking pretty good here in Seabrooke.

And with everyone starting the new school year together, who knows what's in store?

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