Love Knows No Bounds

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Addison and Wyatt waved goodbye to Bucky as he drove off to take the rest of the cheer team and football players home. They had already dropped the zombies off in Zombie Town before crossing through the barrier into Seabrooke.

Addison lead Wyatt up to the front door, flashing him a smile as she grabbed the handle. "Are you ready?"

Wyatt nodded, rubbing his moonstone nervously between his fingers. "Yeah, let's do this."

Addison grabbed his hand and lead him into the house. The house was spotless and organized, a typical Seabrooke home.


"Wait here." Addison whispered quietly before turning towards where the voice had come from. "It's me mom! I'm home!"

Wyatt watched as Addison disappeared into a nearby room, leaving him alone. He wandered into the sitting room and gazed at the photos lined up on the mantle. A wedding photo, a photo of a little boy and girl holding hands with backpacks on he assumed must be Bucky and Addison, one of Addison's recent school photos, and a picture of the same couple from the wedding photo holding a tiny infant in a pink blanket.

Wyatt picked up the photo and stared at the small family. They seemed happy, their eyes full of love. You'd never know a piece was missing, that he was missing.

Wyatt felt a knot form in his stomach. What if they weren't happy to see him? What if this was how they wanted things to be all along?

A gasp echoed from behind him and Wyatt jumped, whirling around to face whoever had entered the room. His eyes widened when he saw Addison standing with their parents in the doorway. His father's expression was unreadable but his mother's spoke volumes. It was clear she had been the source of the gasp with her hands brought up to her face with a look of disbelief and surprise.

Addison moved out of their way and gave him an encouraging nod. Wyatt placed the photo he had been holding back on the mantle before taking a deep breath. "Um, hi there?"

Silence engulfed the room once more as Wyatt watched his parents with anticipation. Slowly, Missy moved toward him until she had closed the distance between them. She reached up gently cupping his cheeks in her hands as she smiled with tears in her eyes. "My sweet baby boy, my Wyatt. After all these years."

Wyatt smiled as he reached up to take her hands. "Hi mom."

Those two words were all it took for the flood gates to open as Mayor Missy embraced her son. Wyatt returned the embrace, the knot in his stomach unraveling. He was hugging his mom.

They stayed that way for a length of time that felt to short as they finally pulled away. As Wyatt slowly looked up from the hug he met his father's gaze which was still unreadable.

Dale slowly approached the two and extended his hand to Wyatt, a silent gesture of acceptance. Wyatt took his hand, but instead if shaking it he pulled his father into an embrace. He felt his father tense at the contact before slowly relaxing into the hug and returning it.

The two slowly pulled away and Dale studied his son with a look of surprise. "After what happened at the powerplant, I thought you would be mad at me."

Wyatt shook his head. "I'm not mad, you were just doing your job. We were the ones trespassing, even if it was for a good reason. I'm just glad to finally meet you, dad."

Dale smiled at his reply, unaware of how unfamiliar his son was to using that term. Willa's father had died in an accident while on a hunt with other members of the pack when they were young. Their only memories of him were the stories mother had told them each night as she tucked them in.

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