The Moonstone

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"Help me get him up!" Zed called out to his teammates, slinging one of Wyatt's arms around his shoulders.

Another guy ran over and together they hauled Wyatt to his feet and carried him to the sidelines.

"What in the world is happening!?" Coach asked. "First game of the season and werewolves are dropping like flies!"

"I don't know coach, but I think it's bad." Zed admitted.

Coach sighed. "Well just lay him on the bench and get back out there, we got a game to win."

Zed's eyes widened. "Coach this is serious! We can't just toss him aside! We have to get the werewolves back to their den and check on the moonstone, something is wrong!"

"What are you saying Zed?" Coach asked, staring at him in disbelief.

"I'm sorry coach, but I'm not finishing the game. The werewolves need help." Zed turned and glanced at his teammates as he shifted Wyatt's body so he could better support him. "I'm sorry guys."

"Nah man, we're with you." Josh, the quarterback, who was helping him with Wyatt replied. "The Mighty Shrimp take care of their own, human, zombie, or werewolf. Wyatt is a part of this team so we've got his back, on and off the field."

The others nodded, some more readily than others. Zed smiled at the team's support.

"Well then, let go help the cheer leaders. They've got some people down too. And Shrimpy," Zed called out, turning to the mascot. "Go get the cheer bus, we're gonna need transportation."

Shrimpy nodded and took off running as they headed for the cheerleaders.

"Everybody grab a werewolf, Shrimpy's coming with the bus." Zed ordered.

Zed turned and looked at Addison as she stood up, moving out of the way as the football players helped get the werewolves to their feet. "Hey."

"Hey." Addison replied somberly. "I hope the werewolves are going to be okay."

"Me too." Zed replied. "I think something might be wrong with the moonstone."

"What?" Addison questioned in surprise.

"Yeah, Wyatt's moonstone is flickering like crazy. And they told us if something happens to their moonstones...."

"They get sick and die." Addison finished. "This is really bad."

"I know and I hope I'm wrong." Zed admitted. "Let's just get them home."

Shrimpy pulled up and they loaded the werewolves onto the bus. Just as they got them safely settled into the bus heavy footsteps came pounding onboard.


"Da--" Zed stopped short when he saw who his dad was carrying. "Oh no, Wanda."

"She collapsed in the stands like the other werewolves who came to watch. What is going on?" Zevon asked.

"That's what we're going to find out." Zed promised.

He opened one of the bus windows and hollered to the team to get the werewolves from the stands.

"Is Wanda going to be okay?"

Zed turned, he hadn't even realized Zoey had followed his dad onto the bus. He moved into the aisle and knelt down in front of his sister. "Hey, it's going to be okay Zo, I promise. We're going to take the werewolves home and get them all feeling better, okay?"

"You better." Zoey replied, crossing her arms.

Zed chuckled, pulling her into a hug. "We will."

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