Secrets of the Past

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Shrimpy drove the bus as Willa, Zed, and Addison sat in silence. Zed tapped away on his phone, sending updates to his dad, Eliza, and Coach.

"Uh, hey Addison?" Zed spoke up. "How exactly are we going to get in your house? Your parents still aren't the biggest fans of monsters."

Addison smiled. "There's a Councilman's Dinner tonight. My parents will be gone all evening. Didn't you notice they weren't at the game?"

"My mind was elsewhere." Zed admitted. "I didn't even think to look."

Addison just nodded. She could tell he was nervous. And who could blame him, it had been two weeks since they had a full conversation.

"Eliza is going to meet us at your house to help out." Zed added, changing the subject. "She said Bonzo had already texted her about the Werwolves when I texted her."

"Great! And with Bree and Bonzo taking charge back at the Den the werewolves will be in good hands. They'll make sure everyone helps out." Addison replied.

Zed chuckled. "Yeah, Bree's really come out of her shell since we all met."

"She has." Addison agreed before her smile fell. "I was going to tell you after the game but I guess now is a good a time as any. Bucky was the one who sent you the video. He wanted to break us up so that you'd lose the football game and I'd mess up my cheers and then he could rally everyone to get back his Cheer Captain title. Typical Bucky, only caring about himself."

"I'm so sorry Addison." Zed replied quietly. "I never said anything because I didn't want you to be mad at me but Bucky is a selfish jerk."

"Tell me about it." Addison chuckled bitterly.

Zed frowned and reached out to take her hand. "Addison I--"

"We're here." Willa announced. "Let's get moving, the faster we find this new moonstone the better."

Zed sighed and the three of them exited the bus. Walking up the driveway to the house they found Eliza perched on the front steps.

"About time." She huffed, standing up.

"Sorry Eliza." Zed chuckled. "We got here as fast as Shrimpy would drive us."

"Well don't just stand there, we have journals to find!" Eliza reminded them. "Let's go!"

"Alright, come on everyone." Addison called. "Follow me."

Addison led them through the house and up the stairs to the second floor where she opened a door that lead to a hidden staircase. "This way to the attic."

Once upstairs everyone looked around. Boxes and tubs in stacks filled the large room.

"So where are the journals?" Willa asked.

"I don't know exactly where in the attic they are." Addison admitted. "Mom always said they were up here, but she never got around to showing me."

"Great, so we're going to have to waste more time searching!?" Willa groaned. "My pack is in danger!"

Willard's eyes glowed yellow and Zed stepped between the two girls. "Hey! Take it easy, at least we know they're in this room. If we work together, we'll find them. Let's just get to work."

"Fine." Willa growled. "Eliza and I will take the right. You two, take the left."

Zed nodded and the four of them split up, searching box by box. They combed through old clothes, shoes, toys, holiday decorations and books. Zed opened another box and chuckled lightly at what he found.

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