Back to School

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Zed yawns as his alarm clock wakes him up for his first day of Junior year. This will be the first year Humans, Zombies, and Werewolves will start school together.

He drags himself out of bed and stumbles into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Thankfully, he is able to finish dressing just before Zoey charges into his room. "Zed! Your Cauliflower Brains are getting cold! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Zed chuckles, grabbing his backpack from the floor just as Zoey grabs his hand to pull him along.

"You promised to walk me to school! I want to get there early so I can talk to my were-friend Wanda!" She babbled excitedly as she pulled him down the hall. "So you need to eat fast!"

Zed shook his head, taking his place at the table as he smiled at his sister. "I'm a zombie, do you really think I'll eat brains slowly?"

"Zed!" Zoey groaned, rolling her eyes at his joke while suppressing a laugh. "Be serious! This is my first year of school where I won't be the only non-human kid in my class! I'm excited!"

Zed finished off his plate and wiped the crumbs from his face before standing up. "There, I told you I wouldn't take long."

"Finally!" Zoey sighed, slinging her bookbag onto her back and taking his hand. "Bye Dad, we're heading to school!"

"Bye kids, have a good day!' Their dad called back, poking his head out of the kitchen. "I'll see you when I get home from work, and if you have homework it better be done!"

Zoey and Zed laughed as they raced out the door. It was the first day, the only homework they'd have would be forms for their father to sign and fill out. As they reached the edge of Zombie Town, Zed spotted Bonzo and Eliza.

"Morning guys!" Zed waved, as they approached.

Eliza smiled. "Morning you two!"

"Zoeyska!" Bonzo cheered, scooping her up and plopping her onto his shoulders. "Dogzy gorzing!"

"Good morning to you too Bonzo!" Zoey giggled, resting her chin on his head.

"Hey! What am I? Mushy brains?" Zed pretend pouted.

Bonzo glanced up at Zoey with a smirk. "Zebala iz zealgous. Zolga en! (Zed is jealous. Hold on!)

The next thing Zed knew Bonzo was running down the sidewalk with Zoey clinging to his head as she squealed in delight. "Faster Bonzo! Faster!"

"Hey wait for me!" Zed yelled as he gave chase.

"Boys." Eliza sighed, rolling her eyes and flashing an amused smile as she watched them dissapear down the road before following after them.

Bonzo and Zoey laughed as he bounded up to Seabrooke Elementary and plopped her down on the front steps as they watched Zed run up behind them.

"Seriously?" He huffed, catching his breath. "Now I'm sweaty and Eliza is still at the other end of the street. We were supposed to walk together."

"Nedzny (I'm sorry)." Bonzo replied, flashing him a guilty look.

Zoey frowned and flashed her brother a glare before turning to give Bonzo's hand a comforting pat. "Don't listen to Zed, that was the best shoulder ride ever! He's just being a buzzkill."

Zed crossed his arms, sending her a playful glare. "You've been hanging out at the werewolf den too much. You're picking up too many new words to use against me."

Zoey laughed before wrapping her arms around her brother's waist. "I love you too Zed but I gotta go, Wanda's here!"

She took off running and sure enough, Zed spotted Willa and Wyatt dropping off the younger werepups to school. With a sigh, he turned and gestured for Bonzo to follow as he walked over.

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