The Bond Between Siblings

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"Great, so how do we track down this moonstone?" Willa asked, peering over Eliza's shoulder.

"I should be able to analyze the energy signature of your current moonstone with my Z-band and transfer the data to my laptop. Using that connection I should be able to create a tracker that we can use to identify and follow the New Moonstone's energy signature."

"That's great!" Wyatt grinned, following Eliza as she walked over to the moonstone. "We'll be tracking down that new moonstone in no time!"

"Except we have a problem." Eliza announced.

"What now?" Willa groaned.

Eliza sighed. "The moonstone is too weak for me to get a good trace analysis on its energy signature. Without it, I can't locate the new moonstone."

Willa growled, slashing her claws against the nearby wall. "This is hopeless! Everytime we get close something goes wrong!"

"Willa calm down." Her mother soothed. "Do not lose hope yet, there may be a way to strengthen the moonstone's energy so that Eliza can get what she needs."

"How?" Willa inquired, her expression skeptical.

"Addison." Willa's mother smiled. "Come here."

Willa's brow furrowed in confusion as her mother took Addison's hands in hers. "You have been blessed by the moonstone, some of its energy is in you. I can feel it."

Addison nodded, surprised by the her intuitiveness. "My parents said that I died before they placed me on the moonstone. That when it blessed me, my hair turned white and it gave me life."

Willa's mother smiled. "The gift of life is a priceless blessing. As is the turning of a mix blood into a pure one. Wyatt, come here."

Wyatt stepped forward to join them. "Yeah mom?"

"I knew the moment I held you that you had great strength." She began. "And after reading the note left with you, I understood why. Wolves and humans have mixed one time or another for centuries, but never in our history have they gained anymore than their mark when blessed. Yet, the moonstone made you a full wolf."

"What are you saying?" Wyatt asked.

"The two of you were blessed that night for a reason." She explained. "Your blessings have given you both a special bond. And the connection you share through blood makes that bond even stronger."

Addison and Wyatt's eyes widened at her words. The two glanced at eachother before turning back to look at her once more.

"I overheard your conversation outside." She chuckled. "Wolf hearing has its advantages."

Wyatt looked down as he spoke. "Are you upset?"

His mother shook her head, resting a hand on his cheek and tilting his head up to meet her gaze. "Of course not. It has never been a secret amongst the pack that you were not mine and I knew the day would come that you would discover the truth about your origins. I would never stop you from having a relationship with your birth family, but I want you to know that no matter what you will always be my son."

Wyatt smiled as he enveloped her in a hug. "Thank you, and you will always be mother. You raised me."

Addison smiled as the two broke apart. It was clear mother and son shared a close bond.

"Families aren't always connected by blood. Being with family just means being surrounded by the people who care about you most." Addison explained. "And there's no limit to size either. We can make our own family. A wolf and human family. What do you say Willa? I've always wanted a sister."

Willa glanced her way, a look of surprise flashing across her face before it returned to its usual, stoic look. "Let's save our pack, then we'll talk."

Willa's mother flashed her a warning look, but nodded. "Yes, come here you two."

Wyatt and Addison followed her over to the moonstone. Its light looked even dimmer than when they had first brought the wolves back to the den.

"Wyatt, take Addison's hand." His mother instructed.

Wyatt took her hand and his mother nodded in approval. "Good, now Addison when you are ready place your other hand on the moonstone."

"Okay." Addison nodded. "But why does Wyatt have to hold my hand?"

"Yeah why do I have to hold her hand?" Wyatt questioned.

"Because you will need to be her anchor." His mother explained.

"Anchor?" Zed chimed in, sounding nervous. "Why exactly does she need an anchor?"

"Some of the moonstone's power is in Addison. If she touches the moonstone it can tap into that power and strengthen its energy, but if the moonstone drains her it could be fatal." She explained. "However, if Wyatt holds her hand he can use his moonstone to act as her anchor, allowing Addison and the moonstone to connect and share energy without either one being drained."

"I get it." Eliza cut in. "Remember how I described the moonstones as being organic Z-bands? Our Z-bands control the electric impulses that keep our zombie side in check. Well Wyatt and his moonstone are going to act as Addison's Z-band. His moonstone is going to control the amount of energy Addison shares to keep the moonstone from absorbing it all."

"Very good Eliza." Willa and Wyatt's mother smiled before turning back to Zed. "I promise Addison will be fine. I wouldn't have asked her to do this if I thought it wasn't safe."

Zed nodded, though the look of nervousness remained on his face. "Alright."

Addison turned to Eliza who was typing away on her laptop. "Are you ready?"

"Ready when you are." Eliza replied.

Addison glanced over at Wyatt who nodded and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. He would be her anchor, he would keep her safe.

Taking a deep breath, Addison placed her hand on the moonstone. It felt warm under her touch and its glow began to brighten. A stray lock of hair slipped off her shoulder and she gasped when she saw its matching blue glow.

Next to her, Wyatt's moonstone glowed bright and his eyes flashed yellow. He held her hand tight and focused on doing his part, despite the large amount of energy flowing through him.

Everyone stood in awe as they watched the two stand side by side over the moonstone. The amount of power radiating from them could be felt by everyone.

"I've got the trace!" Eliza cheered. "You can let go!"

Addison removed her hand from the stone and stepped back, taking a deep breath. Next to her, Wyatt sighed in relief as the glow from his necklace and eyes faded.

"Are you okay Addison?" Wyatt asked, a look of concern flashing across his face.

She nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'm fine, thanks to you."

Wyatt breathed a sigh of relief. "Good."

"So can I have my hand back?" Addison giggled.

"Sorry." Wyatt chuckled, pulling his hand away and rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Willa rolled her eyes. "So you have the trace now. Can you track it?"

"Yup." Eliza nodded, standing up with her laptop. "The energy is radiating from the north, but its faint. We're going to have to go on a bit of a road trip."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Willa asked. "Let's go!"

Author's Note

Hey everyone thank you for your patience! I had alot going on so I didn't get to update yesterday like I wanted to but I hope you enjoy the chapter!


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