We Are Family

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Wyatt and Addison shared a smile as they broke apart. Everyone around them was celebrating. The wolves were safe, Addison was alive, and the Great Alpha had returned.


Everyone turned around as Bucky came rushing into the den. He looked around frantically before his eyes finally fell on his cousin. He rushed forward, gathering her in his arms. "Oh thank goodness! The Aceys came running back to the bus screaming that you had collapsed! I was so worried!"

"I'm fine Bucky, I promise." Addison laughed, pulling away. "The moonstone drained all my energy, but the recharged my necklace and brought me back. Bucky, I'm the Great Alpha."

Bucky stared at her with wide eyes, suddenly noticing the changes in her appearance. "You're a werewolf! A full werewolf!"

"Yup, looks like my hair meant something after all." Addison smiled.

Bucky nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, and it suits you."

Addison's smile widens at his words. "Thanks cuz."

Wyatt looks between the two and steps forward. "Cuz?"

Addison looks between the two boys with wide eyes. With everything that had happened, she hadn't told Bucky about Wyatt and vice versa.

"Bucky." Addison started gently. "This is going to sound crazy, but Wyatt is my twin brother. Mom and dad sent him away because he was a full wolf. Wyatt is your cousin and Wyatt, Bucky is yours."

The two boys stood there, eyes locked. Bucky wanted to call Addison out and claim this was all a big lie, but even he could see their expressions were serious. This was no joke.

Bucky extended a hand towards Wyatt, never once breaking eye contact. "Well then welcome to the family, cousin."

Wyatt grinned and took his hand, giving it a firm shake before pulling Bucky into a hug. "Thank you."

Bucky pulled away, straightening his clothes and checking his hair. "Yes, well, a pack has to stick together right?"

"Indeed." Wyatt agreed, nodding his head. "Just like family."

Addison smiled as she watched the two boys interact. Their family was slowly coming back together. It wasn't perfect, but it was real and that's what mattered most.


Addison turned and saw Zed leaning against the nearby wall clutching his wrist, his face contorted in pain. His veins were growing darker and she realized he had been full zombie for too long and was struggling.

Addison rushed forward without hesitation and grabbed his good arm, leading him outside. The pack and everyone else followed as she lead him back towards the bus. As soon as they exited the forest, Zed's Z-band went back online and the veins receded bringing him back to normal.

Zed slumped forward, exhausted from keeping his zombie in check for so long. Luckily, Addison was able to use her newfound werewolf strength to hold him up as she guided him onto the bus.

Just as she got Zed settled, several werewolves entered the bus behind her carrying an exhausted Bonzo who they deposited in a nearby seat. Bree was right behind them and sat next to Bonzo as soon as they left.

Outside, Addison chuckled as she watched Wyatt attempt to pick up Eliza only to be smacked in the arm and be given what appeared to be a chewing out. She watched Wyatt sigh and wrap his arm around Eliza's waist, holding her up as they made their way to the bus.

"You guys good?" Addison asked once they entered the bus.

Wyatt nodded. "All good, but someone is too stubborn for their own good."

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