The Carnival

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After weeks of preparations and planning the day of the carnival had arrived. All of Seabrooke's citizens: human, zombie, and werewolf alike were there to enjoy the event.

At a food stall nearby, Zevin was flipping burgers and cauliflower brain burgers while Missy and Dale passed out drinks.

Addison smiled as she looked up at Zed. "Can you believe that everyone is actually here together having fun?"

Zed chuckled. "I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Addison looked around and smiled when she saw the rest of the werewolf pack approaching.

"Zoey!" Zed called out to his sister who was currently in the nearby bounce house. "Wanda's here!"

A blur of green pig tails bounced her way out of the bounce house and raced over to them, waving excitedly at her friend.

"Zoey!" Wanda squealed, tackling the young zombie in a hug.

"Hi Wanda!" Zoey exclaimed. "Do you want to go bounce in the bounce house with me?"

Wanda nodded excitedly and the two girls ran off, leaving the others to laugh at their excitement.

"This place looks awesome!" Wyatt complimented, pulling Addison into a hug. "You did an amazing job sis."

"Thanks Wyatt." Addison smiled, hugging him back.

The two pulled away and Wyatf began glancing around the carnival. Addison smiled knowing he was looking for a certain zombie.

"Eliza's with Bonzo and Bree at the music booth." Addison explained, gesturing in the direction of the booth.

Wyatt grinned and took off running, leaving the rest of them behind shaking their heads.

"He's like a lost puppy without her." Wynter sighed exasperatedly.

Willa chuckled. "Leave him be, he's in love."

"So where are your parents?" Wylda asked, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I'm looking forward to seeing Missy again."

Addison smiled. "They're over at the food stand selling drinks. Follow me."

Everyone walked over to the food stand and her parents smiled as they approached.

"Hello everyone." Dale greeted. "Where's that son of mine?"

"Wyatt went to find Eliza." Addison chuckled. "But mom has a visitor."

Missy turned around at the mention of her name and her eyes widened. "Wylda? Is that really you?"

"Hello old friend." Wylda smiled. "It's been much too long since we last met face to face."

"Agreed." Missy chuckled. "How are you these days?"

Wylda sighed contently. "We're all much better now that the new moonstone has been found."

Missy nodded. "That's good to hear. And Wylda, thank you for taking such good care of Wyatt. I know it was alot to ask of you after just having a baby of your own."

"The past is in the past. I' just glad I was able to help. Wyatt is such a good boy." Wylda smiled. "Speaking of children, I don't think you've met my daughter Willa."

Willa stepped forward and extended a hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Wells."

Missy smiled and pulled her into a hug as Dale chuckled. "Missy and Dale work just fine dear. No need to be formal. You've been such a wonderful sister to Wyatt. He talks of you fondly."

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