The Struggle

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Addison and Bree stood outside the school as they talked excitedly about their ideas for how the new unified cheer squad could help bring even more people together.

"What if we put together a carnival?" Addison suggested. "What better way to bring people together than food and games?"

"That's a great idea!" Bree replied enthusiastically. "We could even ask local businesses to sponsor it and donate prizes!"

Addison beamed. "Perfect! We'll discuss it with the whole team this afternoon. If everyone is on board, we'll decide a date and time which I will present to the principal for approval."

"And when and if it get's approved, I'll organize the team into smaller teams to complete different tasks to help put this carnival together." Bree added.

Addison pulled Bree into a hug. "What would I do without you?"

"Hey, do I get some if that love?"

Addison laughed as she broke the hug with Bree and turned around. "Of course, good morning Zed."

"Morning beautiful." Pulling to his chest and kissing the top of her head. "So what are my favorite cheerleaders up too?"

"Just brainstorming ideas for events the cheer squad could put on. We were just discussing possibly having a carnival." Addison explained.

"A carnival huh? Sounds like fun. Though I've never actually been to one." Zed admitted.

Addison frowned. Sometimes she forgot just how little the Zombies had gotten to experience before the monster laws were lifted. But now, she was even more determined to put this carnival together.

"Well then, I guess we better get to work. I can't wait to see your reaction." Addison smirked.

"I look forward to it." Zed smiled. "And can Zoey come too? She's never been either."

"Of course!" Addison agreed. "We'll make it a family carnival. Seabrooke High students and their families welcome."

"That's my girl." Zed grinned, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"But we'll have to get Bucky's approval too." Bree realized. "He's the student body president so he also gets a say."

Addison smirked. "I can handle my cousin, don't worry. Right Zed? Zed?"

Addison felt Zed's arm leave her shoulder as she looked up at him. He was staring at his phone, a look of hurt and confusion on his face.

"Zed what's wrong?" Addison asked, her voice laced with concern.

Zed's voice was dangerously quiet as he spoke. "You were with him last night?"

"Zed what are you talking about? I was with you and Zoey last night. Movie night, How to Train Your Dragon, ringing any bells?" Addison replied.

"Don't lie to me!" Zed snapped, surprising the two girls. "I have the proof right here!"

"What are you--"

Addison was cut off by Zed shoving his phone in her face. An unknown number was shown at the top and the only message was a video file. The video was playing on repeat, showing Wyatt tickling her and the moment she fell against his chest and the teen's gaze met before replaying.

Her eyes widened. "Zed it's not what you think! I swear we were just--"

"You were just what, Addison?!" Zed growled. "Flirting with another guy behind my back?"

"Zed no!" Addison cried. "He was just walking me home! Then he discovered I was ticklish! He started messing around and I was laughing so hard I collapsed against him from all the tickling! I would never betray you like that! I love you!"

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