Try To See It My Way

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Eliza sighed as she adjusted her backpack and walked towards home. She had gone to a brief back to school meeting for the coding club to discuss upcoming events such as their sign up event on Friday to recruit new members.

It had been all talk and zero code, making it a very long, boring hour. Eliza was ready to get home, hand her back to school forms to her parents to sign, and jump on her computer to work on the website she had been creating.

With humans, zombies, and werewolves living, working, and going to school together, Eliza decided to create a place where people could learn and gather information.

She wanted people to know the real history of Zombies and Werewolves. Everything from how zombies came into existence and how the first seabrooke settlers pushed the werewolves out of their territory and stole their moonstone to power the very power plant that was involved in the explosion that created zombies.

Eliza also wanted to give credit and shine a light on zombies and werewolves who had made important contributions to their community. Finally giving them the recognition they deserve for their work.

While the werewolves had come on a little strong when they first arrived, they had turned out to pretty cool. They were proud of who they were and didn't try to hide it or pretend to be something they're not. Eliza respected and admired that.


A sharp, frustrated howl pierced quiet Seabrooke afternoon. Eliza turned towards the woods nearby where the sound had originated. Part of her wanted to ignore it and continue walking home, while the other was curious.

Needless to say, curiosity took over and she headed into the woods. Leaves crunched underfoot as Eliza wandered through the trees. As she got deeper, Eliza began to notice claw marks on the trees.

The marked trees led her to a small clearing. Peering inside, she spotted a familiar figure slashing his claws furiously across the trunk of a tree. A deep growl rumbling in his throat with each swing.

"Wyatt?" Eliza called out gently, making her presence known as she stepped into the clearing.

He whirled around, his eyes and moonstone glowing with power as he sent her a glare. Upon seeing her, the powerful energy faded and Wyatt returned to normal.

"What are you doing here Eliza?" He asked, his tone harsh.

"I heard you howl on my way home. Figured I'd come see what all the fuss is about." She replied.

Wyatt shrugged, turning back towards the tree. "I'm fine."

Eliza crossed her arms, unconvinced. "Are you really going to play that game with me? Cause I'm pretty sure you're not out here attacking a tree because it said its bark is tougher than yours."

Wyatt turned around and sauntered over until they were standing face to face. Watching her with a piercing gaze.

"I wouldn't taunt me if I were you." Wyatt warned, flashing his eyes and baring his fangs as his moonstone glowed.

Eliza smirked, unclasping her Z-band from her wrist and letting her zombie side come through. "I'm not afraid of you wolfie. Intimidation doesn't work on me."

Silence filled the air as the two stood there, eyes locked on each other. Both holding their ground, neither showing any sign of giving in.

"You're really not going to leave me alone, are you?" Wyatt questioned, breaking the silence.

Eliza smirked. "Nope."

"Fine." Wyatt sighed, allowing the power of his moonstone to fade. "If it will get you to leave, I'll talk."

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